Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • browngranite
    09-01 12:40 AM
    no receipt notice yet. Checks haven't been cashed as of this morning.

    i sent application for me and my wife on july 6th NSC my I 140 was applied in TSC . i am NJ resident. wife took info pass appointmnet as no check cashed, no notice receive. started worrying now. as NSC is updating even new applications no sure if my case was transferred to TSC or not . any body in same boat ? application was signed by R williams in NSC.

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  • test101
    07-09 06:47 PM

    Now we should let the media know . Walter Reed ! could not ask for a better place. The Patient and soldier deserve it . My heart goes to them as an RN.

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  • caydee
    05-23 07:25 PM
    I like this as it gives a personal touch.

    Dear Senator ____;

    Subject: Treating the currently backlogged legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and family-based applicants in the Immigration Reform bill S. 1348.

    I am a member of Immigration Voice ( Immigration Voice represents the interest of 500,000 legal skilled immigrants in the United States on the path to green cards who have been stuck in enormous backlogs and delays in immigration process.

    The career growth, job mobility and quality of life of a half a million legal skilled immigrants is subverted by the bill in its current form.

    Specifically, the restrictions on employment mobility of current applicants affected by this bill, limit improvements in all wage rates. This is because when the market for highly skilled staff improves (as it is doing today), we have significant bureaucratic barriers placed that prevent us from changing jobs. This creates a mis-allocation of scarce talent and limits the growth of the high tech industry as a whole.

    The permanent residency process currently takes a great many years, but technologies change fast. Staying in the same job can make a tech career stagnant. Few Americans in the technology field are willing to stay in the same position within their current company for that many years. So, Again, this limits growth in the technology industry because scarce skills are being miss-allocated.

    It is not just about changing jobs: I also get requests from friends that want me to improve their website or even join a start-up. They are dumbfounded when I tell them I may not because it is illegal for me to do so. Nor may I volunteer my time. Nor may I start my own company because I may not work for myself. The economic cost of a half-million highly skilled people not being able to start a business must be staggering.

    Personally, since moving to the "land of the free", I find it ironic that I lost my economic freedom. It is also heartbreaking to see the rug pulled out from beneath us when we've been such law-abiding and dedicated participants in the current system all these years. In terms of years, in terms of opportunity lost, and in terms of money wasted on lawyers, we humbly request an equitable solution for all skilled, law-abiding immigrants.

    Here are some specific reasons why the current CIR bill fails us, and fails the US economy. Also suggestions on improvements that can be made:

    1. Section 501(b) reduces the number of green cards to legal skilled immigrants from the current 140,000/year to 90,000/year and diverts the major portion of those green cards to future low-skills guest workers under the Y visa program. Instead of increasing that number to reduce the backlogs this section take a step backwards and would exacerbate the backlogs. On the other hand, 503(f)(2) of this act would allocate an estimated 11 million green cards over a time frame of 5 years � 2.2 million a year � to undocumented immigrants. Immigration Voice requests congress to treat legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants and increase the number of green cards to at least 250,000 for 5 years for currently backlogged applicants defined under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to reduce to current backlog before the untested points based merit system is functional.

    2. Immigration Voice requests congress to waive per-country ceilings on backlogged petitions to be processed under Sec. 502(d)(2) in order to make the backlog reduction more efficient. The bill provides a very similar waiver from per-country ceilings to family based pending petitions in section 508(b).

    3. Immigration Voice requests congress to allow legal skilled immigrants to file for adjustment of status for those applicants who have been certified by DOL to be doing jobs no US citizen is willing, qualified or able to do. This would be at parity with provisions for undocumented immigrants who would qualify for instant work permit (probationary card) that allows them to work without employer sponsor and without department of labor�s certification simply by registering.

    We at Immigration Voice strongly opposes the bill S 1348 in its current form and requests congress to amend this bill and treat the legal skilled immigrants at parity with undocumented immigrants, future guest-workers and pending family-based applicants.

    David Chappel

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  • tonyHK12
    02-18 08:42 AM
    thanks actaccord, lvinaykumar, sripk. only 44 days to go.................

    Total Contributions..........$6,425.00
    Amount to be raised.......$43,575.00


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  • shrma
    02-14 10:06 AM
    Reference number :28B669545E7974345

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  • mnkaushik
    08-26 03:40 PM
    OK Thanks. And any recent LUD on 485 and already approved EAD (such as 08/21/2010 as most of us got)? Just trying to derive some pattern here...

    None on the 485 and we are really not tracking the EAD.


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  • gcnotfiledyet
    02-26 10:49 AM
    This is what i understand and i might be wrong, and this is specifically from my perspective and i am not representing IV.

    For a legal immigrant who has been here for the last 9 years, following the law from day 1, i don't see any hope except IV. I understand this is a political issue, and everything happens on the back-end. There is no time table or time line which can be promised by anyone, because this is all politics. Even anti-immigrants don't do anything everyday. They lobby in the background and try to stop any kind of relief, if any being given to us. They still collect a lot of money. They are also only active when there is something on the table and same goes with IV. Everything goes in the background and when there is something positive they come out and request the community to work on an action item, which in the ends gets a very poor response and undermines all their hard work. IV has an agenda and sticks with it. They have lobbying firms who work on the lines of that agenda. I don't think anybody can promise a time line or timetable regarding anything. They are working on an agenda and trying to get relief for all of us. They can't come out openly every day and say we are working on this and that.

    I believe in trying and by supporting IV, i am doing that. If no body is going to fight for us (Legal Immigrants), then we can't expect any relief or i will say not even dream of anything good for us. No one is going to address our plight till the time we fight for it. Ask your friends what have they done till today? If they think giving $1000, can buy themselves a Green Card(so called independence) then i am ready to give them $1500 and will request them to do it for me also and i am sure i can find many fellow IV'ans who can also give them $1500. Its very easy to question someones hard work, but when they will be asked to do something, you wont find them anywhere. Every time they will have some reasons not to contribute or do anything. If they join IV, they are not doing anything good, till the time they don't participate in any activities or action items. If they think sitting and waiting for Visa Bulletins and Processing Dates is the best way to go, then there is no way anyone can help them.

    Nobody came to convince me, that IV will get me out of this pain. I understand the problem, which is right in front of everyone and i only see IV as the one and only one organization working to get us some relief. I have met the Core group and i know how dedicated and honest they are. During the rally they were in DC for weeks getting everything worked on, only so that our problem can be highlighted and heard. IV Core spends a lot of time in Washington DC lobbying for our cause. They spend money out of their own pockets. They have families and they end up spending time away from them. Why???? Because they want relief and get our problem sorted. I really salute and appreciate their efforts and the hard work they have put in to come so far.

    But we as legal immigrants always end up questioning someones efforts? These questions need to answered by us. If your friends think there life is good and things will fall in place, its fine and they can stay away and go on with their lives as it is going on. But tell them not to criticize and question anybody's hard work and honesty.

    At least they can do us a favor, by not questioning what IV does? Rest regarding the funds, IV is a non-profit organization, and the tax returns are available online and can be viewed by anyone.

    Rest i hope they wake up and realize that by helping IV they are helping themselves and their families.

    I tried my best to explain how i understand IV. If i offended someone i am really sorry about it.

    I am proud to be associated with IV. At least in the end i will be happy to say that i tried for my independence.


    Very well written. We need this kind of language material to present to our friends. You got my contribution. How do I donate $20? I don't see tab for that money on page. Minimum for one time contribution I see is $100. Also is there any way that I do not have to use paypal and directly use my cc to pay?

    Also not all of us are as good in writing or speaking the same language. I am glad you understand the pains of IV core but unfortunately all of us have not gone through the same things as you have. So we surely need some convincing on part of IV. This post I see is right step. I need some more info to present to my friends, as to why they should contribute. That would be perfect.

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  • chmur
    07-27 06:46 PM
    Also issue of discrepancy of EB2-I and EB3-I is raised first time that is after Aug VB. But I think it will fade away after oct VB when normal processing starts as diff in PD between EB3 and EB2 will be 1 or 2 years and each category will have equal Visa numbers for 9 months.

    Also the issue of recapture was raised when in 2005 the dates were retrogressed . But I think the issue will fade away after 2014 when most of the categories will be either current or near current.

    PS; I am a strong proponent of recapture but such insensitive post to EB3 plight deserves such a response.


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  • senthil1
    12-14 06:52 PM
    I myself will not support for skill Bill in current form. Too much H1b numbers will not only create a problem for US citizens it will also for current H1bs as well future H1bs. That 20% automatic adjustment and exemption for Cap for MS persons will increase supply and it will be tough to find a job if too many people are in the market. There are abundant jobs in India. Let people wait in India for 1 or 2 years to come here. Sustained immigration without increasing unemployment is better for US as well as potential immigrants. Otherwise Hate will increase. It may be easy to talk Capitalism and fittest will survive. When those people talking will be unemployed for more than 6 months with kids in the family will realise the truth. In the Forum most of the people are young and they did not face any issue other than Green card.

    But speed with which Corporations and Lawyers are working the Skill bill be passed in current form soon. We will wait and see after 3 years after increasing H1B. My prediction is Limited increase in H1 with Moderate increase in GC numbers will solve the problem for all the gc waiting people without big reaction from anti immigrants and that will boost sustained immigration.

    I agree whole-heartedly.
    Senators/Congressmen are rational, smart and intelligent people. We HAVE to apprise them of our situation.
    We have a legitimate, common sense and good cause on our side.

    In this time of globalization and increased competition, do the senators/congressmen really want this country to lose half a million highly skilled, experienced and trained-in-America-for-years people to India and China, and to Europe and canada?

    If they put 'holds' or refuse to take up our cause after they are fully aware of our situation, then atleast you know that they are doing it out of racism and/or narrow political and parochial motives.

    But unless we make our situation known to these guys, we shouldn't really blame them.......Also, those with kids born in America might get more of a response from the legislators.

    It is pathetic that there is a thread from NJ, and the guy is begging people to join/respond; it is mind-boggling that there are only seven members from NJ. It is absolutely ridiculous that the only two responses on the 'Calling all Wisconsin members' have been from myself, and another person. And that other person is from Illinois......

    Can there be any guidance from the core team about personalizing our stories, and making those known to the legislators?

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  • sam_hoosier
    12-16 07:01 PM
    Eveyone says that. Nobody actually goes back.

    I know quite a few people who have gone back in the last year ;), and contrary to perception are quite happy with the choice they made.


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  • espoir
    07-11 12:43 PM
    yes lets put the burning act aside. Also it should be clear in the rallies that it is LEGAL immigration that we are talking. I still see some comments on the news stories. "All Illegals should be sent away"
    My point is that any time we talk about immigration, common people think illegal as thats the only side they are exposed to.

    Nah, we have better things to do than burn something.
    Also, we don't want to add to the already hot weather in California and to global warming at large. We need cool ideas not hot headed remarks. :)

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  • anilsal
    08-13 11:22 PM
    On aug 9 th, USCIS nebraska center issued a total of 4063 receipt nos for 485, EAD, and APs.
    see the link http://.com/discuss/485eb/20866725/
    From this, if we assume ~4000/day, it ll take 20 working days to clear july 2nd filers (~80,000). My guess is by 31st Aug.

    We need something similar for the Sept 18th DC rally. Can you guess? :)


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  • cheg
    08-28 11:24 PM
    Rec'd By: R.Williams on July 6
    No checks cashed yet according to lawyer

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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:51 PM
    My vote goes for DC on 7/14. Many people like me might have already used their time off recently to get a medical exam and paperwork for I-485. I live in Baltimore area and simply cannot make it to DC on a weekday. If I lose my job I won't get a green card - as simple as that.

    If there are others in Baltimore area who would like to join the action please don't hesitate to contact me. We could car pool and get together to make signs. I'll also try to gather some friends, although it might be tough on a short notice - almost everyone is on vacation.

    I dont need to tell you how DC looks like on a weekend. None but visitors. Your boss must be really cruel to let you go for ever if you need to take half day off. Just joking :) Go ahead and create a poll with all possible options and then you can figure out what is the best option


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  • akhilmahajan
    02-11 01:57 PM

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  • gsc999
    07-06 07:09 PM
    Legal Immigrants Protest at San Jose on July 7

    Location: City Hall
    200 E Santa Clara St
    San Jose, CA Yahoo Google Map

    When: From Sat Jul 07, 2007 11:00 am to Sat Jul 07, 2007 2:30 pm


    I just checked with the city, and San Jose police dept. they don't know about this event and haven't issued any permit for it. Fightnow, since you originated this thread, please post relevant info. as to who is organizing it.

    Arun Antonia, do you want to coordinate this event for next week?

    The Police dept. said that as long as the traffic and pedestrian sidewalk are not blocked and there is no violence it is ok with them. Now only if I know who will issue the permit, that should do it.


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  • GCStatus
    09-13 09:37 PM
    I agree to the point that: we pay for unemployment , SS tax etc when we ourselves are not eligible for any of that if we continue on H1, in fact we are supposed to exit this country when we loose job!!!
    what a joke...
    also did u see this in history:
    when europeans came here abt 500 years back, natives did not welcome them nor liked them. Now legal immigrants are coming , and you know how they are treated!!
    so I guess system is behaving like normal. Its upto us to fight the system...
    by demanding GC , we(for us and our generations) are asking for right to apply for citizenship, ultimately a right on the resource of this country(all resources including natural resource). So there has got to be fight/effort to get it. It will not come just doing what we do for living.

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  • reddymjm
    06-09 08:47 PM
    My recipect number start from SRC. whrere is that center? Ivthought texas starts with TSC.
    Texas starts with SRC...
    WAC/EAC/LIN.. NO TSC as far as I know.

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  • apnair2002
    05-06 09:35 AM,0,3245994.story?coll=bal-nationworld-headlines

    02-12 02:16 PM

    09-02 11:39 AM
    For spouse received EAD card, valid for 2 years

    Filed: June 24th, 2008

    CPO email received twice Aug 28th, 2008
    Filed: June 18th, 2008
    Status: Waiting for CARD.

    AP Status:
    Lawyer says that he has received AP last week for both of us.
    Not very certain of his claims,untill i see the documents.

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  • gc_bulgaria
    09-21 10:49 AM
    I have also files on the same day, how do you guys make out that your file have been trabsfered to texas and CSC, because my 140 was approved in texas and my attorney has sent the 485 to NSC , Thanks for you reply.

    Because it has SRC as the starting alphabets (Southern Regional Center):p

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  • Imigrait
    01-30 02:42 PM

    3/10 year applies ONLY for illegal presence and not out of status. The illegal presence starts after I-94 date. I think one of Pappu's blog covers illegal presence details.

    However, for I-485 approval, section 245(k) covers out of status for 180 cumulative calendar days since last lawful admission in US.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

    Have a question. My current I-94 is valid till May 2009(entered on AP last time). What happens after May2009? Do I need to get another I-94 and how?

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  • ragz4u
    05-01 10:13 AM
    I called there office but no clue what SKIL bill is about (Washington DC).
    Can any one explain the source of this bill.

    First and foremost, DO NOT CONTACT Sen. Cornyn's office.

    We are privy to some information and we were told that Sen. Cornyn might introduce this to the senate today. When we say might, it means that there is a good chance he may not do so too!

    And introducing just means that he will get a number assigned to it. It will NOT be debated today. The debate timeframe is decided by the majority and minority leaders Frist and Reid respectively.

    We just wanted to share with you what we learned. When we learn more, we will let you guys know. For right now, all we know is in the first post.

    And FYI, there are some decent provisions in this bill especially related to STEM. Also presents a solution to retrogression wherein Adjustment of Status would be possible in spite of no visa being available.

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  • kannan
    05-07 04:00 PM
    Last Friday I called Customer Service Center and told them that I did not get FP and Biometrics .I used the words that I was depressed ,worried and all others who applied after me got FP but I did not get it ,my son going to be 21etc .......Finally Male IO scheduled FP immediately for me and my family on May 16.I saw LUD on Friday itself and another Lud on sunday ,today I got the letter.

    Options That I choose



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  • sukhwinderd
    02-17 09:52 PM
    here is a report which says there are more than 300,000 GC visa numbers were unused.
    go to page 35 or search pdf for recapture to see chart.
    from the report
    This dialogue is critical considering that when USCIS
    and DOS fail to accurately estimate cut-off dates, visas go
    unused or are shifted to other family or employment-based
    categories. Congress passed legislation permitting the
    recapture of some unused visa numbers from previous
    years.119 Figure 19 presents data on visa numbers �lost�
    between 1992 and 2009 for both employment and family
    preference categories.

    recapturing visas is the easiest way to clear backlog. it has happened before and can happen again, if all of us try.

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  • gsc999
    07-07 08:57 PM
    Did this rally on 7th July in San Jose happen? Any updates from folks who were there?
    Just came back, here is my report:

    - There were five Chinese and seven Indian people at the march. It was small fun group.
    - The group was small but the outcome as you will note from my report below was productive
    - Fighnow, who is the Chinese member of had initiated this 7th July march. Due to short notice we couldn't publicize this event but still it was good to see a bunch of people show up.
    - Fightnow and his friends were fully prepared with big banners and all, with appropriate slogans
    - In the beginning there was some police presence but they left an hour later, I guess because of a small group
    - We carried our placards and banners on the sidewalk and got lot of "honk" support from people driving by.
    - Luckily a Chinese TV station happened to be in the area and interviewed many of us. The station is called KCSN 30, if I remember correctly and this news story will air on Monday evening in Bay area. I will post details about this after hearing from fightnow.
    - The parking is free on weekends.
    What we need to do is:
    - Organize a bigger march on 14th July
    - Organize a similar event in DC if possible to get more mileage
    - Prepare some banners and placards etc.
    - Bring water, it was warm
    - Have fun
    Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions


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  • java4yogi
    08-18 03:00 PM
    After reading lots of forums contributors, my 2 cents :

    a) I think the first thing is ban those people who advise separation of interests or make invidual groups in forums.

    As if things happening in india are not enough to divide people on all fronts, a new separation criteria is created here on EB1/EB2/EB3. A lot of us are very !!

    b) Initiative needs to be well spent and well thought. Its a forum for ideas and further on implementation. So, its for everyone. Taking initiative is not bad, go ahead, but walking tall on other peoples misery is not really very cool !!
    People are waiting for 10 years in line, come on..think, if this happens to all of us..

    c) Legal and illegal efforts. People accusing core of bank accounts withdrawls and all that nonsense, do not need any rebuttal.
    The harshness of things is creeping in people, but pls. some sincerity is also needed.

    I thank all of you who have worked hard for the benefit of all of us.

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  • sheela
    11-21 02:25 PM

    It is difficult to put in words how sad this news is. Stay positive-Our prayers will be for you and your family. Please, consider getting second/3rd opinion and some thing will work for you. Have faith in god- you should be okay.


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  • newbie2020
    05-07 02:18 PM
    USCIS case predictions made easier.... :)

    Also check out their Application Processing Statistics

    Recent Approvals Etc..

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  • hx82
    02-14 10:10 AM
    Contributed $100 Transaction ID 5GU631577V1426207.


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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 11:24 AM
    As far as I know there is no such arranged compromise. In my personal opinion, the tendency is that the Republicans will attempt to stall everything they can and "do the same" to Dems. Here is an expert opinion. I am sorry if that doesn't sound optmistic.

    From Ed Rollins, former White House policy director:
    ED ROLLINS: My sense today is we've got to do something short-term to stop the problem. But as we sit here today, my feeling is that no matter what happens in this election, there's not going to be big enough margins on either side to move the Congress in any way, shape or form to solve these critical problems.

    And I would hope that the two parties do something they haven't been able do for the last dozen years, and that's sit down and say, all right, neither of us can move or address any of these issues. And why can't we come together and why can't we face up to some of these very significant issues, like Social Security, like education, like health care and come up with a compromise?

    Because Democrats aren't going to have enough votes, even if they win back the Congress, and Republicans certainly aren't going to have enough votes if they win the Congress. And we can't have another two years or four years of this chaos.

    If Democrats win the House (which they most probably will - maybe with a small majority): Would then there be a Compromise on the CIR which the Republicans didnt even want to talk about ?

    Someone in this thread pointed out that in the lame duck session is held with the current members, that would mean we wouldnt have a compromise in the lame duck session.

    Then the new Congress would come in and the Bills would have to be passed in the Senate all over again, right? ( Just asking as I dont know the whole process).

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  • Madhuri
    02-17 04:52 PM
    Your receipt number for this payment is: 1326-1716-9434-4395.


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  • amitjoey
    07-09 05:14 PM

    Please rate it with 5 stars.

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  • rb_248
    12-03 12:41 PM
    We will pray for you.


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  • hiralal
    05-02 10:13 PM
    even if the law was interpreted incorrectly by the lawyer ...I wonder if they can do a admin fix ??? this is definitely beneficial for many people ..for e.g. those who are homeowners, etc etc ...atleast the primary spouse can change fields etc etc
    ...wonder if we should have a campaign for this ?

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  • reddymjm
    06-09 05:29 AM
    probably Texas, that is where my I-140 was approved.

    Cancelled 4 tickets and lost 1000 bucks. Was to fly on 6th. Never expected dates will move. MY PD Nov 2001 EB3 India.

    Hoping to get receipts by 20th. Is that a fair assumption? Planning to re-book for 22nd.

    Don't want to lose another dime on cancellations and re-bookings.

    Advice and share your thoughts.
    I am not sure man. How long is your trip? If they sent a finger print notice while you are in India will you be able to come back. I woluld say complete finger prints and go..


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  • vina92
    12-10 09:38 PM
    I am a physician working in underserved areas in MN. I am greatly appreciated
    in my community. I regularly get invited to Christmas parties by local congressmen. I never attend those due to my family obligations. However, this year I will attend and educate my congressmen as much as I can.

    I am sure there are lot of physicians, like me affected by retrogression. Eventhough we live in remote areas, we can do whtever we can.

    I am also willing to join in MN local chapter of IV. Any MN members kindly send me PM.

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  • morchu
    05-08 02:36 PM
    :) my point was, regulations and interpretations are meant for the exact situation. Anyway I am also done in this topic. I have no personal interest on either EB-quota or FB-quota (why am i even here... nhaa?).

    Thanks for a healthy discussion though.

    we are talking about inclusion logic here. Not the exclusion logic.

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  • Amma
    02-26 01:46 PM
    Mailed a cheque for $50 today.

    Have faith in IV guys. I have seen a lot of dedicated members of IV which inspired me a lot. Don't probe IV too much with our highly intellectual brain and do nothing.

    If IV is not there ,we will be murmuring with ourselves and resigned to our fate.

    Keep going.I salute those dedicated guys.

    02-09 03:04 PM
    Just donated 100 dollars for the event.

    Your transaction ID for PAYPAL payment is: 2U4520238Y121973J.

    11-18 09:46 AM
    Blacktongue : There is no harm in trying. Leave no stone unturned. Chey Chey.:)

    "There is no harm in trying. Leave no stone unturned."

    This may sound optimistic and promising, but in essence sending random rhetoric using off message statements like "Erase Backlog Now" conflicts with our targeted messaging. To the observer on the Hill (i.e. in Congress) it all sounds more like a noise without a coherent message.

    I'm sure you would agree that "no harm in trying" and "Leave no stone unturned" doesn't mean diluting our effort or sending incoherent message. That is why we need to have a single voice sending the same targeted message each time, otherwise we will just sound like awkward noise.

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  • coolstonesa
    06-22 04:29 PM
    Here is the response from lawyer when I pointed him to the filing instructions on I-485 form:

    "The statutory requirement for employment-based immigration is that an ongoing employer-employee relationship exist at the time the I-485 is filed,
    and for a minimum 6 months thereafter. Any particular document used to verify this relationship is only valid for a relatively short period of time, before it becomes stale (i.e. 3-6 months).

    At the time of filing your I-485 adjustment of status petition, we included pay stubs to verify the current employer-employee relationship.

    If the I-485 is still in process greater than 8 or 9 months from today, Immigration Services is likely to request additional evidence of the employer-employee relationship, in the form of (1) the 2007 W-2 form,
    (2) most recent six months of pay stubs, and also (3) a current job offer

    I proceed with the understanding that it is likely that the I-485 petitions will still be pending 8 months from now, and that therefore it is also likely that USCIS will require additional pay stubs, etc. verifying the employer-employee relationship."

    Generally speaking two recent pay stubs are sufficient to verify that you remain with the same employer. It is possible that if your petition is pending for more than 10 or 12 months, either a job offer letter or additional pay stubs will be requested.

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  • Lisap
    09-10 02:09 PM
    I got that same LUD and my EAD arrived in the mail a couple of days later! Good Luck to you and I hope you receive it soon!!

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  • amitjoey
    11-19 11:19 AM
    We need to do three things to ensure that we succeed in this effort

    1) Be serious about this action item, not only should we be sending out this email, but also encouraging all others- Including your colleagues, friends, family- GC Holders, Citizens to send this email to their lawmakers. Numbers matter.

    2) We should follow up and make appointments Next week (It is a short week) or on Monday 29th November. When we go to this appointment, just focus on the message of this action alert. Do not be tempted to talk about any other issue, Do not take a lot of time and do not present any personal issue. Just talk about this one issue.

    3) Please consider getting on a recurring contribution for IV. We need the funds. There are a lot of things that can be achieved if we had a big budget.

    2011 Monopoly - Juicy Couture Star Wars Monopoly Saga Edition. Monopoly - Pirates of the
  • Monopoly - Pirates of the

  • HariRamNai
    07-09 10:09 AM
    Sent email with write-up to Bob & Tom (my fav.)

    Hi Bob, Hi Tom,

    I am a regular listener and a big fan of you guys. I'm from the land of 'Babu' and you guys have made my morning great for all these 8-9 years. I hope you could read this below and help us guys by giving some coverage to this issue.



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  • YesGC_NoGC
    11-21 11:13 AM

    We are sorry to hear this, May God bless you and your family help you come out of this as winner, Please try and do not lose hope, we all are praying for you.

    Best Regards


    I have a unique position. couple of weeks back I was told that have fatal cancer and won't live pass 4-6 months. After recovering from initial shock I am wondering if my wife will be able to continue her american dream or she will have to head home after me.

    I have filed 485 with approved 140 back in june, 2007 with PD of March, 2003

    Please help.


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  • desi3933
    05-11 05:16 PM
    we are talking about inclusion logic here. Not the exclusion logic.

    I do see in sec 203 how some one becomes eligible for "eb quota". I dont see ebdependents there. I see only eb primary.

    I am sorry, I am not interested to carry this debate forward for the fun of debating. I strongly urge you to read sec 203. Thanks for understanding.

    Read for yourself.

    INA 203(d) Treatment of family members

    A spouse or child as defined in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E) of section 1101(b)(1) of this title shall, if not otherwise entitled to an immigrant status and the immediate issuance of a visa under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this section, be entitled to the same status, and the same order of consideration provided in the respective subsection, if accompanying or following to join, the spouse or parent.

    This means that if primary beneficiary is using visa number from EB(2) classification then dependent(s) will also be using same classification as primary beneficiary (i.e. EB(2) in this example).

    Not a legal advice
    US citizen of Indian origin


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  • hiralal
    05-09 03:34 PM
    yes ..I agree with most of the above. the new admin is more protectionist .. I wonder if the analysis will show that a large number of immigrant visas were wasted !!!
    in republicans you have 20% against immi but democrats maybe 80% against
    hopefully BJP will come to power in India and retaliate against nuclear deal ..and then they will realise that protectionism cuts both ways !!

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  • snvlgopal
    02-12 05:17 PM
    sent $30
    Unique Transaction ID #5D433679KU7906510


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  • english_august
    07-06 02:59 PM
    Alright friends, so we now have a lead item on Times of India on this effort.,prtpage-1.cms

    Can we now have some of the Nays turn into Ayes? We now have proof that this effort is attracting media's attention, we now have proof that it is viable. Can we please make it a smashing success by getting great numbers?

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  • madooripraveen
    11-18 11:09 AM
    Done.And passed it on to friends.


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  • CADude
    08-23 12:56 PM
    I am not sure if TSC receiving/encashing 485 application all 5 days. We get few check encashment then lul for couple of day. then again few more...
    Mon - 485 (TSC filed)
    Tues - EAD
    Wed - AP
    Thur - 485 (NSC filed)
    Fri - EAD
    Sat, Sun - Holiday

    I was anticipating check encashment in masses. But it didn't happening. :)
    Yes If you are lucky one then getting 485/EAD/AP together..:D:D

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  • mattresscoil
    11-18 12:17 PM
    Email sent to
    Senator George LeMieux (R-FL)
    Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
    Representative Ander Crenshaw (R-FL 4th)


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  • The Star Wars saga continues

  • dish
    12-10 01:31 PM
    I had read on the other forums about people receiving phone-calls from USCIS with enquiries about the employer, client, wages etc. They introduce themselves as USCIS personnel and take sensitive information from people. Could they be imposters from the Anti-Immi Side. I do urge caution not to give any Info on the phone. If USCIS wanted info from the H1B holder, they would have done it through regular mail.

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  • navyug
    08-13 11:16 AM
    Card Ordered!!!

    I-765 mailed- 07/08/2008
    I-765 approved- 08/13/2008


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  • mirage
    03-08 08:38 PM
    This is what puzzles me, on one hand you tell us 'You couldn't even begin to imagine how many cases like this there are'....
    Which is exactly I have been saying, unless we do something EB3 India could be waiting for a decade or 2...
    But on the other hand if I want to address this issue in a manner which could see least resistance, you tells me I'm living in 'Utopia', administrator threatens to 'Ban' me ????

    On other hand
    There are still lots of cases in eb3 from back that far.

    Many of the eb3 245i cases; there dependents were outside USA. Once; they got greencards; then their dependents went for consular processing or are going for consular processing.

    One of the cases I worked on ability to pay; person had adopted her nephew so that he could get greencard as dependent. You couldn't even begin to imagine how many cases like this there are.

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  • andy garcia
    10-05 10:48 AM
    Did anyone see Byron Dorgan's (Democratic Senator from North Dakota)interview on Stephen Colbert last night? This guy just wrote an anit-outsourcing book ( --no I am not plugging his book!) and he is full of 'they stole our jobs' rhetoric. This is typical outsourcing/globalization-bashing democratic mentality and it's disturbing to seeit still persists 2 years after Presedential elections.

    Am I the only one who thinks that if Democratics takes over the House, we are screwed?

    If the Democrats :cool: win, we will be screwed because the illegals will get all the visas.

    If the Republicans :cool: :eek: win, we will also be screwed because nobody will get visas.


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  • sku
    11-21 03:31 PM
    Take a second opinion,
    I had similar situation with my close friend here.
    I was with him when he underwent the surgery, Once Doctor came out of surgury he told me (as I was the only one there and his family was in India) that my friend just had 6 months to live, But later found out that was treatable through chemo and radiation..This was almost 4 years ago, My friend is totally recovered and he got the GC year back and he is working in Mid-west.

    So don't lose hope in GOD.

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  • WaitingYaar
    06-12 12:01 PM
    I filed 485/EAD/AP on May 31st and TSC received on June 1st. My checks haven't been cleared yet. TSC is said to be the slowest one. In a chinese forum, several people whose PD became current on June 1st got 485 approved recently. Their cases were all transferred to NSC recently.

    BTW, how long will it take to get EAD? I sort of remember that it takes at most 3 months.

    I-485 approved in 11 days????? How can this be possible? Or you mean to say that they had filed the 485 before retrogression hit? Please clarify.

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  • anzerraja
    07-20 02:47 PM
    Let the thread continue until Monday evening. Meanwhile let us add a poll asking the members in this thread to vote and then decide on Monday evening. Meanwhile the drive will continue.

    Options might be

    I donated towards reimbursement and that is where i would like to see it going. If not i will withdraw my pledge.

    I don't care and will stand by the pledge.

    Whichever thought prevails as the most valued opinion , we will go with that. Any thoughts ???

    05-27 08:00 PM
    not sure how many people did it but its very important that we do this

    04-25 01:18 PM
    I do not know how to give red dots since I do not give any. To give green you have to click on the icon above the post for which you are giving a green dot. I just gave you one.

    Thanks a lot man.