Sunday, July 3, 2011

Reese Witherspoon Ryan Phillippe Wedding Photos

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  • Goodbye Ryan Phillippe amp; Reese

  • asethura
    08-22 09:40 PM
    Hi All, we got our physical cards yesterday my USPS.
    PD: Feb 16th, 2006, NSC, EB2-I, RD: Aug 6th 2007
    Got Welcome notice by USPS o Aug 16th (approved on August 10th), online status changed to PDA on August 19th, got physical cards yesterday.

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  • [Ryan Phillippe has called his

  • reddymjm
    05-12 09:23 AM
    USCIS case predictions made easier.... :)

    Also check out their Application Processing Statistics

    Recent Approvals Etc..

    These websites need an upgrade to atleast consider EB2/EB3 or ROW/Notrow.

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  • Reese Witherspoon Ryan

  • ganguteli
    03-06 04:22 PM
    If there is no bill flying now and situation is tough, then you are attracting too much attention when everyone is against immigrants. God forbid they decide to punish immigrants more due to this by more anti-bills.

    You would be safe because you have EAD. But what about those without EADs.

    If you really want to do something then help us allow filing I485 when visa dates are not current. So that everyone gets EAD. EAD is lot better than H1B and this will be a temporary relief. EAD gives so much protection than H1B and that should be our #1 priority.

    2011 [Ryan Phillippe has called his Reese Witherspoon Ryan Phillippe Wedding Photos. Both Ryan Phillippe and Reese
  • Both Ryan Phillippe and Reese

  • makemygc
    05-23 08:20 AM
    Sent to all..keep sending email guys...dont get into argument right now.


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  • Celebrity,Reese Witherspoon

  • tikka
    05-23 12:15 PM
    Are you using a webfax or a fax machine?

    fax machine

    Reese Witherspoon Ryan Phillippe Wedding Photos. Photo: Reese and Ryan
  • Photo: Reese and Ryan

  • logiclife
    10-08 02:52 PM
    What is wrong if people want USCIS to process EB based I485 strictly on PD as per the law. You may claim that is what they are doing, but it is not true all of us know that. This whole thing is working like the GC lottery with more complexity.
    I would say IV should make PD based processing as the top most priority in their agenda. This is the simplest thing that can be acheived. Asking USCIS to follow the rules is not as complex as lobbying for ending GC backlog.
    People coming up with points of legal stay and other things are just frustated with the system, they want something which is more predictable in the current process not just eliminating GC backlog due to visa numbers.
    Asking people to attend state chapters and asking people to contribute is ok, but trying to shutdown peoples thoughts just because they are not the same as someone elses in not right

    Firstly, no one can shut down thoughts. They are inside your head. What I am saying is that match your thoughts with your actions, not just expression of thoughts. If you want to express your ideas and thoughts, do it in a way that its heard by people that matter. Your ideas and thoughts heard by other people like you is meaningless. If you can match ACTIONS to propogate your thoughts, by hauling your ass to Washington DC, spending some $$ out of pocket on travel to DC and meeting with a few of the 535 offices, then it matters. Otherwise your idea is not worth 2 cents sitting on forums read by people who are not legislators.

    Secondly, YOU THINK that asking USCIS to follow the rules is easier than changing rules (thru legislation). That's because , you and many others like you, think of Government function as if its an IT project. Occupational hazard. That is not how the Government works. The reason they dont follow the rules is because they (1) dont care and (2) are not accountable. USCIS and its non-FIFO procedures, FBI namecheck delays, backlogs in receipting and adjudication of 140 (Atlanta PERM) etc is something that congress cannot fix. USCIS, FBI report to DHS and DOJ respectively and they in turn, report to the White House. Congress can rarely make them work better and make them answer for mistakes, as congress can only do "Oversight" hearings on them. Haul an agency or department head in front of a committee and ask questions (pre submitted). And ask them questions. Make some show on CSPAN. At the end of the day, if Administration tell congress - "GET LOST, mind your own business, this is the best we can do and we are doing it", then congress cannot do anything. Other than impeaching someone. No one is going to impeach Mike Chertoff because one of his agencies (USCIS) is not doing FIFO on something called 485 (which no one in DC knows what it is).

    Congressional input rarely works. Example: Intervention of Congress during July bulletin. You know why? Because Congress HAD TO DO IT because of the uproar. I dont see any uproar and your issues like "there is no FIFO", "My PERM is stuck in Atlant for 6 months", or "I am stuck in namecheck for 4 years".

    These things need lobbying the Administration. Lobbying the administration is MUCH MORE DIFFICULT and EXPENSIVE than lobbying congress. Why? Because each office of Congress has a boss that faces elections very often. Every 2 years in House and every 6 years in the Senate. Plus they have 535 offices (435 in House, 100 in senate). That means easier access. On the other hand, there is only one office heading USCIS, office of Emelio Gonzalez, and only one Michael Chertoff and only one DOJ and its FBI. So the access of more difficult and lobbying is more expensive.

    When it comes to administration, you have limited leverage. Other than 2 people in the entire administration, no one is getting job by elections. The only 2 positions in this branch of Government that are elected and directly accountable to people are President and Vice President. Mike Chertoff of DHS or Emelio Gonzalez of USCIS wont lose next election coz those are on appointed positions not elected positions. Which also means that they dont have to worry about making people angry.

    So you see, ASKING for good things like FIFO and Faster namecheck is great in theory. But please understand, from a civic lession viewpoint, the 3 branches of government viewpoint and then make suggestions.

    Is Immigration Voice an organization that can raise 100,000 a month each month? NO. Not right now. Right now, people are busy checking their mailboxes for EAD cards. Out of 23,000 registered members, if each contribute $5 a month (equivalent to a burger, fries and coke), it is 100,000 a month. But it wont happen.

    So until that happens, feel free to express your thoughts and opinions and brilliant ideas and happy forum discussion. If that's what makes you all happy and content.


    Reese Witherspoon Ryan Phillippe Wedding Photos. Ryan Phillippe and Reese
  • Ryan Phillippe and Reese

  • knnmbd
    05-04 03:21 PM
    Ok that is funny. So I have been waiting for 6 years now here and that is nothing. some kid comes in here and struggles to complete his MS and then just works for 3 years and gets in line before me !!
    Not trying to sound negative here but it looks like a lot of people here are Masters ( either in EB2 or EB3 ) ?

    I guess you do not have the slightest idea of the struggles and financial uncertainty of studying in the U.S. As a matter of fact THIS IS FAIR. Did you know that it cost over $20 K to go to school here just in tuition (with out any assistantship's, which is the norm for over 5 years now with the bad economy first and the lack of funding to graduate schools across the country) and most people who come on student visas gain experience through internships( on OPT's and CPT's) making as little as $10/ hour, not to mention working for minimum wages as they study to make ends meet and then and finally the effort of paying off student loans back home. Not only that a majority of people who come on F1 visas to U.S educational institutions pursue Advance degrees in not so "lucrative" fields in terms of job prospects like core engineering fields, pure sciences and many of them go on to get PhD and become researchers.

    That is exactly what the U.S wants; they want the brain drain to resurface to bring about innovation in engineering and sciences. The only folks that come to work directly in the U.S are the IT folks so you are looking at a small spectrum of people. Again this is a long awaited gesture from U.S immigration system to people's trials and tribulations who take the long and winding road to pursue advance degrees in the U.S and eventually get on to work and enhance their professional goals.

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  • InTheMoment
    08-01 08:29 PM
    Up until July 29, 2007 (incl.) when sorting of files was going on, NSC did a load sharing of files with TSC. (and btw they did not look at where ones' I-140 is adjudicated when making the selection, it was random. I know several such cases)

    This in my opinion is a very good way of making sure adjudicating resources are kept in balance at both centers.
    Like somone quiet rightly pointed out it is akin to the old Labor Certification process where some states were way faster than others (less demand faster process).

    In the direct filing which started July 30, 2007 the load sharing has a great possibilty of being tilted one way or the other (though maybe not as much as old LC's). They have made a geographical distribution and not one that factors # of applications traditionally received from states.

    On the other hand, may be USCIS has figured that the particular geographical jurisdiction produces the right load sharing between NSC and TSC!


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  • Lasantha
    02-06 10:46 AM
    If you use AP you enter the US as a "parolee". (Is that how you spell it?).
    If you use AVR I believe you enter as an H1B. I would prefer to enter as an H1B
    since I have not yet used my EAD or AC21.

    Just wondering if anyone on the forum has experience at Ottawa international while returning with either AVR or AP. Also, is there a preference if you have both AVR and AP, what to use to enter back into US? Thanks.

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  • Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe

  • camarasa
    07-09 06:06 PM
    Guys and gals when you email people and talk to people of the media etc please stress "LEGAL IMMIGRATION". I've been reading a few messages of late that open with "immigration" but only start talking about legal immigration a few paragraphs later. Please stress "LEGAL" everytime you mention the word "immigration". Thanks.


    Reese Witherspoon Ryan Phillippe Wedding Photos. reese-witherspoon-ryan-
  • reese-witherspoon-ryan-

  • marlon2006
    06-22 10:05 AM
    If that was all that easy, I am sure Pres. Fox would hire 3,000,000 telemarketers to call Senators from Mexico and put a request pro amnesty on daily basis. Somehow it is obvious that the person calling or supporting CIR typically have vested interests on that; I think when one detects that direct beneficiaries of amnesty - not an US person - are campaigning, lawmakers probably they tend to ignore that.

    Sen. Specter is just going to have his ears full. I can imagine what angry US citizens could tell him on those hearings. If CIR passage depends on positive feedback from those hearings, it is going to be tough. I am sorry to tell you, but I have been talking to many Americans on this. Hearings will just bring the truth to the surface, and that means border enforcement, less immigration, illegal and illegal.

    Regarding feedback from the public on skilled legal immigration, read the article below. Then go to "Discuss" and see what Americans are saying about us. They are making a tough point that in these inevitable times of offshoring, we are coming here to take away jobs that are left.;_ylt=Amc.zZb07X6A849 i9qW0XfBQuk0A;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCU l
    Why dont we include the illegals in our plan. Now thats what is called comprehensive. A football stadium with people standing outside is what you get.

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  • Ryan Phillippe allegedly

  • mbsac
    10-18 12:06 PM
    My Checks were cashed today :)


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  • Reese Witherspoon Ryan

  • sayantan76
    07-08 03:34 PM
    I thought we have made immense progress with regard to our moral standards so that one does not have to necessarily make significant personal sacrifices to upholds ones way of life and independence. That is why I believe this is be kind of a Civil rights/Equal Employment kind of case.

    It could be argued that the supreme court has given the government authority to discriminate based on country of origin for immigration purposes.

    Supreme Court does not give the Government the authority - Supreme Court does not make laws - the legislature (Congress) does - the judiciary can review the laws and decide that it violates the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution for Citizens or go against the basic fabric of the Constitution

    That could easily be justified for new people coming into the country. Albiet it is slightly different from the case of most of us, those who are already in the process at some stage. In our case, DOS/DOL/USCIS acknowledge that we should be granted permanent residence (based on Labor) and even on such basis, is willing to extend our visas/work status indefinitely. However, we are being limited to not change employer (in case 485 is not applied) and to not change the field of work (in case 485 is applied). I think this can be argued as a violation of Equal Employment Oppurtunity by the government by a competent lawyer. Employer cannot be forced to process any immigration related paperwork against its wishes - otherwise it would infringe upon their fundamental rights as a registered business entity incorporated within US; nor can the employer be forced to take a risk that it would spend time and money hiring and training someone on EAD only to risk losing that person in a year if the 485 gets denied and so on.Even if the court does not do anything, it will go a long way in people and common people realising these issues.

    I was surprised to find that even my cousin (who has been here since 1980) did not realise that the situation is so bad until we had a discussion about my status last christmas. Most just assume that a small minority of people with wierd/complicated cases are held up for longer then 2-3-4 years.

    I am bringing these out not because I am opposed to equal treatment of folks on H1/ EAD etc - but because there are legitimate arguments both ways and unless we can prove unequivocally that there is gross miscarriage of justice in denying us this right and on the other hand - there is no disadvantage caused to anybody else by granting us this right - this idea is unlikely to see the light of the day

    while i am happy to be proven wrong - i do not see anyone in this forum having a stomach for a protracted legal battle starting with lower courts and going all the way to Supreme Court - going back to my previous point - we do not see this as a "larger than me" cause

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  • Ryan Phillippe

    06-07 10:46 AM
    I will have to check with my attorney. But, my I-140 approval came from TSC but my I-485 application was sent to NSC.

    If anyone else has had a similar experience, please post your update here.




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  • Can#39;t Ryan Philippe let go of

  • lg72
    07-20 04:24 PM
    IV core, you guys did an excellent job in coordinating the flower campaign and the San Jose Rally. Hundreds of thousands of people are enjoying the benefit of that right now.Thank you so much for all your tiredless efforts.

    I pledge $100 for Aman.

    Will contribute more to IV in the coming months...

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  • Ryan Phillippe has no hard

  • gc4sk
    06-22 04:39 PM
    My situation is not any better. I am working for a GA based company since 2001 got stuck in the backlog center with Priority Date Oct 2003 (labor apporved in Nov 2006 I-140 applied in May). After calling the company HR for 30-40 times in last one week I was able to talk to HR guy, he said the ceo will allow only those who have approved I-140 to apply for I-485. He also said then once priority date retogressed again I will be able to get 3 years H1B ext. that will be good for me.:mad: I think these desi blood sucking compnies will be obsolete in couple of years. If USCIS make the rules better.

    I was thinking of disclosing my employers name but then I will never be able to file I-485


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  • dealsnet
    04-21 07:50 PM
    I am shocked to hear the sad news. My god give peace to his wife and his kid. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.
    His family is a victim of RETROGRESSION. Otherwise they can still live in USA.


    I have a unique position. couple of weeks back I was told that have fatal cancer and won't live pass 4-6 months. After recovering from initial shock I am wondering if my wife will be able to continue her american dream or she will have to head home after me.

    I have filed 485 with approved 140 back in june, 2007 with PD of March, 2003

    Please help.


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  • Ryan Phillippe and Deacon

  • vkrishn
    08-24 11:12 AM
    Any approvals this week? Seems to be slow.. Wait continues!

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  • Silver screen darling Reese

  • go2roomshare
    04-20 01:52 PM
    No reply so far ! No one here??

    09-23 02:13 PM
    Now you are going to protest u have a slightest idea of how it is to wait for 10 years in the GC queue. This is not because people were not eligible for EB2 at that time, but rather due to the lawyer and employer mess ups. And there is no wrong in someone going to the front of the queue if they were able to prove that they are eb2 worthy..

    Agreed !
    Employers and their law firms many a times screw up deliberately.....
    If they apply for Eb3 then that guy gets stuck with that consulting firm for like 10 more years ! Which employer doesn't want that !!! Many of my friends have got stuck in EB3 lines due to employer/lawyer deliberate-goofups !! If they leave the company, they risk the money they gave for previous GC processes + the client.... becoz of contract terms... etc...

    If EB3 candidates are eligible for EB2 porting, they MUST go for it...
    If that is going to delay EB2, then so be it.... Its the right thing to do...

    09-10 09:54 PM
    In India Lifesentences in prisons dont last more than 14 years. we could beat that record here. :)

    Thats why US has advance parole, whereas in India - it is just parole before the end of life sentence...:D

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