Sunday, July 3, 2011

Short Blonde Hair With Red Highlights

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  • akhilmahajan
    02-09 11:40 AM
    Thanks a lot.
    Can you please help in keeping this thread on the top?

    I will mail $21.00 Cheque today itself.

    As soon as 5K has been collected, I will contribute another $50.00


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  • knnmbd
    05-05 11:58 AM
    Dear admins,

    I think deleting my post was not fair. The other people who have been bashing us with MS degrees need to also have their posts deleted.

    I was not offensive in anyway, I just pointed out the reality of the situation and that is not "being offensive."

    If you are afraid of alienating some of your contributors, well then by deleting the posts of ppl with Masters degrees you risk alienating them.

    If I offended the admin personally if he/she does not have a masters degree, I apologize for hurting your "feelings" but that does not allow you to delete my post .

    Finally, since 99% of the time the admins come back with not relevant to the thread, I agree on that ground but respectfully request the deletion of posts by a bunch of others like the "hiring manager" who instigated this discussion.

    Can you also delete posts where there was some bashing of people with advanced degrees, just to make it fair? I think the whole thing was started by the guy (GCsucks) by addressing people who attend U.S universities as "Kids" and I agree with "yabadaba" that this is reality and we were just pointing out what the issues are. If it's a case of sour grapes then may be that guy should vent his frustration else where or easier GET HIMSELF AN ADVANCED DEGREE IN THE U.S

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  • jobforme
    07-10 12:33 PM
    How about we come up with a skit where we can reenact the drama about the whole episode in a funny way. Where we can have people portraying roles of USCIS Director, Secrtary of State, Immigrants calling franctically to India to get their documents, parents running around to get doucments, the start of rumor, the employees of uscis working on sunday to adjudicate the cases, then the flip flop of DOS. etc. Then we can put this on youtube and will attract publicity.

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  • abracadabra102
    07-28 11:31 AM
    It is indeed sad that you continue to pontificate from a perch of indifference and ignorance. We all know that the entire EB immigration system is not a zero sum game (just ask Ron Hira and his ilk). Sad thing is, when it comes to EB3 I's, EB 2's such as you suddenly transform into a Ron Hira lite ... going about throwing broad hints about how the system is setup the way it is ... to serve those 'higher in the pecking order'.

    If we were to buy this weak attempt at making a 'logical point', I would be glad to give Ron a call and have his folks look into YOUR respective EB2 applications and find out if there REALLY was "NO" qualified US worker available for that job. Want to play that game?

    Look, the EB system is what it is. Instead of trying to bait others into silence by suddenly finding 'fairness in this system', only because this part of the puzzle narrowly goes to serve / protect your gains ... try to come together to fix the underlying weakness in the system.

    For the record, I am not bitter about a 7+ year 'wait'. On the contrary, I have grown professionally thanks to the opportunity to focus my energies towards building a Billion dollar corporation. That said, I would LOVE to see the paperwork of EB2 Java 'gurus' and L1 converts stand up to true scrutiny ... and that would open a whole new can of worms. Game?

    1) You are "a highly educated (for those that care) Executive that went to Top Private Universities in the US"
    2) You built a billion dollar corporation
    3) You are threatening to have all EB2 applications audited if your point of view is not accepted by someone

    You need help. Go see a shrink.


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  • rayoflight
    05-19 05:02 PM
    Thanks so much for your quick reply and the phone number with the options. What does stand for?

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  • Rohan99
    10-02 02:21 PM
    I am just trying to make list of people stuck on July 3rd at 9:03 received by R.William. Appears that our box is lost.
    Here is the information I got of people(July 3rd) still waiting

    If there are more plz...added it to list


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  • mrsr
    07-08 08:24 PM
    Why the hell they are looting the social security then , as non immigrant why the hell do i need it. Any congress men can answer this , they are stupid

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  • GC2006TSC
    11-17 03:16 PM


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  • desi3933
    06-26 02:55 PM
    Why don;t you sign unless it say until and after 1 year approval:, you can leave employment after 6 months of filing I-485 and see what happens at that time, you have nothing to loose

    >> you have nothing to loose

    How can you say that? Do you EVEN know what are you saying?

    I suggest you talk to lawyer before losing "something".

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  • bmoni
    05-02 12:43 AM

    Just keep in mind those dots doesn;t count...what will count is how in the world are we going to tell USCIS our pain and this hostile situation ....


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  • EB3_SEP04
    08-13 06:30 PM
    Navyug, 2ndJuly,
    Congrats and thanks for the update. I feel better now! (no i wasn't sick :D)

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  • bkam
    06-21 10:47 PM
    Hey, Ghost,

    Your posting is quite realistic. Miracle will not happen, regardless how much we want it. Sad but true.

    The only (long but possible) way to achieve some results is massive attack of the media. Average American people should realize the problem of the legal immigrants and THEY should start pressing the lawmakers for resolution. In fact there is a very simple solution - every H1/L1 visa should be covered by a GC option, providing that the immigrant has covered all requirements. And the USCIS administration should be pushed to do their job. Now, cunningly, uncle Sam (I would better say the "Edited" people) allows white collar slaves to come to the US, but hides the GC when time comes.

    To be honest, I really believe that in 10-15 years time this problem will not exist anymore. Reasons? Several: First, the main donoring countries of white collar slaves are in process of sharp development and soon this source of "blood transfusion" to US will start drying up. Second, with the aging baby-boomers the need of "blood transfusion" will increase. Third, the high flow of low qualified legal/illegal Latinos changes the fabric of the American society and turns it into a Latin-American country, with all negative consequences, so the need of high tech immigrant component will increase. There are more factors but these three are enough.

    So, if we are patient, in 10-15 years time the USCIS administration will start sending invitation ads all over the world, inviting legals and we would become proud holders of GCs :-)

    Yea-a-a, but I am not patient... And I am not keen to feed for decades the retired baby-boomers with my slave labor... Plan B...

    Admin, you can delete/edit my post (as you sometimes do) but this will not change the reality. And the reality is that no one in this country gives a s..t about you and me. Sad but true :-)


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  • permfiling
    05-08 03:17 PM
    You can still go to court against the congress, that is what is the freedom of constitution in this country.

    Since Obama administration has a open door policy, why don't we take a appointment and discuss this issue ?

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  • vroapp
    12-12 06:46 PM
    GCWaitforever, please make sure if stating that you are an immigrant is acceptable or not; in your letter to Sen. Sessions, I mean...


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  • desi3933
    07-10 06:54 AM
    This comment was then obviously was not directed to you but to others who advise to "file AC21."

    Thanks, Sankap, for the clarification. Because, in this post you have addressed that post to me and asked me this as #7. Here is that post again -


    1. ....

    7. Since you're *not* required to inform USCIS on your job changes, why "file AC21" (and stir things), or advise people to do so?

    Please show me any of my post where I have advised people to file for AC-21.


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  • sayonara
    08-27 12:26 PM
    Posted by Clockwork:
    Member Join Date: Sep 2006
    Posts: 63

    I have received receipt notice for my I-485. My AOS petition was received by J.Barrret at 10:25AM Nebraska Service Center. Later it got forwarded to TSC where my I-140 got approved few months before. Let me know if you have more questions...

    Congrats ! Any LUD on your application?


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  • TheOmbudsman
    10-25 04:38 PM
    Most likely the majority of Americans have immigration roots from somewhere, like anybody else. I don't think that would be a compelling argument though. The US allows 1+ million to immigrate here every year.

    Rbharol, what really messed up for us is the high influx of illegal aliens. We, the Employment Base greencard applicants represent a small group. We used to be respected few years ago. We are not visible at all, even when we get stuck. It is understandable that the illegal aliens abused the system and we are paying the price for it. I am sorry but that is true. People generalized and we are now in the middle of this mess. It happens that after I posted this, I found the article below which reinforces my sad perception:

    Does the Workplace Welcome Differ?

    Are Americans more welcoming to Asian immigrants than to Hispanics/Latinos? C.N. Le, who directs the Asian American Studies Program at the University of Massachusetts, calls it "a complicated issue." She thinks that "Americans in general are becoming slightly less welcoming to immigrants in general. Part of it has to do with illegal immigration, but it spills over and affects legal immigrants too. There is always workplace tension between those who gets jobs, and those who get left out."

    Talk about this article and get advice on the Diversity at Work message board.

    Can somebody ask these people (who are opposing immigration), how many of them are kids, grandkids or grand-grand kids of immigrants themselves?

    Will they conduct a poll on it?

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  • Hewa
    11-17 04:10 PM
    +1, plus friends

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  • kannan
    05-19 04:39 PM
    Called 3/14 the first time and was told that FP would be scheduled. Never heard so called again on 5/9 and this time was told to callback after 60 days from the initial call.

    I spoke with one rep who said that they are processing "June 29th" applications so you have to wait for your "Biometrics Appointment". I am kinda lost on this one.

    What is the best number to reach the right Customer Service department alongwith the options to reach a live person to speak with who can actually schedule the Biometrics Appointment.

    Am a July 2nd Filer - Actual Application filed on Sep 10th.


    On May 2 nd I called Customer Service Center and told them that I did not get FP and Biometrics .I used the words that I was depressed ,worried and all others who applied after me got FP but I did not get it ,my son going to be 21etc .......Finally Male IO scheduled FP immediately for me and my family on May 16.I saw LUD on Friday itself and another Lud on sunday ,I got the letter on next wednesday and i finished my fp on may 16 .

    Options That I choose


    07-10 12:49 AM
    Michael Moore reported about the poor conditions in which our veterans at Walter Reed hospital are treated in his famous movie Farienhiet 911 and after three years Walter Reed hospital caught the attention of the law makers, they don't treat thier own countrymen with respect and dignity even after serving the Nation honourably what can we expect from them when it took them three years to realise that the conditions are bad in Walter Reed.

    08-02 10:10 AM
    CA and NY were the two states which were always backlogged during those bad old days of labor processing. Now, CA application goes to TSC and NY goes to NSC and that might keep both the centers balanced going forward.

    But I think rather than dividing based on the states, they should rather do a load balancing based on the request coming..just like our network works :)
    Load balancing can be simply based on the round robin goes to TSC other goes to NSC and so on.
    How difficult is to build that kind of system and to keep it balanced and fair for all.

    ...and probably add more servers (err... service centers) to serve the demand ;)

    pal :)

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