Friday, July 1, 2011

World Cup Soccer

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  • World Cup Football Team Flag

  • ski_dude12
    08-26 12:56 PM
    I received a confirmation from the Ombudsman's office that they have received my case documents and would let me know when it get's assigned to an immigration specialist.

    I have not heard back from them yet... 3 weeks and counting... How long does it take them to followup on the case?

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  • Soccer world cup 2010 Painting

  • pittdude
    02-18 11:13 PM

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  • Adidas Spain 2010 World Cup

  • lasvegas
    02-05 08:59 AM
    Thanks to all who responsed.

    I will be sending private msgs to those who have asked me to do so.

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  • Brazil 2010 World Cup Soccer

  • GreenMe
    07-03 12:40 PM
    Hello folks looks like that link for the "sweetheart roses" doesn't work anymore (They probably ran out!)! The cheapest flowers I could find now are these -

    Try this link one more time ..


    World Cup Soccer. during a World Cup soccer
  • during a World Cup soccer

  • ronhira
    09-24 03:54 PM
    A person has been with a company for 10 years as a Test Lead and is promoted to a position of a manager and the Lead expects that on the first day of being a manager he wants all the rights and benefits of being a manager for 10 years even though he has been a lead for all of those 10 years.

    just when i thought that i've seen everything insane possible on this forum...... u break the new barrier..... to boldly go where no man has gone before......


    daal roti khao aur prabhu kee guun gao......
    (translation: eat & live simple and thank the lord)

    what is this analogy none sense..... u'r a disgrace to eb2...... date porting is codified in the law..... no one can change it but congress....... the problem with congress is that it cannot agree with anything related to immigration...... let's say they decide to do just one thing, just one....... do u truly believe that anybody other than u on this planet would care to stop porting of eligible applicants to eb2?...... pls keep me posted if you send out any communication to anyone for stopping porting.... becoz i'll send double the number of emails and letters to keep porting in place.....

    i do have a suggestion for u...... if everyone is porting from eb3 to eb2..... maybe u should stay ahead of the curve and port from eb2 to eb3...... then u will be the only applicants left in entire eb3..... :rolleyes:

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  • soccer world cup 2010

  • xyzgc
    02-01 08:35 AM
    Finally we have decided to go back to India for good. I filed my EB3 in May 2003. Its going to be another 4 years to get the green card. When I went to India for vacation last December, we liked it over there & the economy is booming. There are all sorts of discussion regarding the Economic Gap/Politics/Corruption/Cleanliness. But we like it over there. Finally I will have an option to do something interesting. In US I was very much dependent on my monthly pay check and afraid to take even the slightest risk. I am also scared to use the AC21(Hey, thats the way I am). I am working with the same company for last 10 years, kinda stagnant in the last 4 years. In India, there are lots of choices, either to work for a sw company or start some business on my own. I think I will take the business route.

    May be I can go there, earn well, send my son to US for college, do green card through him & come retire in US!!!

    Good Luck to everybody!!

    Good decision. I was opposed to going back but I think its good to do just that. You see lot of folks going back after getting their citizenship.


    World Cup Soccer. Its on – FIFA Soccer World Cup
  • Its on – FIFA Soccer World Cup

  • blacktongue
    11-18 01:37 PM
    I also suggest partnering up with Reform Immigration For America as they have large numbers of supporters as well. I urge core IV members to contact them as time is short for us
    .. confirming that I have sent the faxes for myself and for whole family

    I went on website and see IV is their partner

    Reform Immigration For America
    Organizations � Reform Immigration For America (

    A lot of big organizations there in list.

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  • World Cup Roberto Baggio

  • immigrationmatters30
    11-17 06:30 PM


    World Cup Soccer. Women#39;s World Cup Soccer
  • Women#39;s World Cup Soccer

  • unitednations
    08-25 03:18 AM
    Is it possible for an administrative fix at the USCIS where the H-1B worker doesn't fall out of status immediately on losing his/her job? Or would such a provision require a law to be passed by the Congress?

    A grace period of say 3 months to look for a job, or to pack up and leave, would relieve the pressure on the laid off H-1B worker and reduce incidents of system abuse.

    If this can be done at the USCIS, perhaps we can write to the Obudsman and also to the USCIS director/associate directors. This is an important issue in this economy. I will be happy to draft a letter.

    Good intention but this type of information by telling legislators actually hurts the cause. You want people to remain in USA but not complying with the visas.

    Pre 9/11 when the economy was slowing down and there were layoffs; there was a memo from uscis that they would be lenient in transfer cases (give a period of a couple of months without paystubs). However; everything changed in 2002/2003 when INS went to 0 tolerance policy (ashcroft had a press conference saying this). That is when things started to change. The memo has since been rescinded (ie., zero tolerance policy).

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  • Soccer World Cup and Ball

  • akhilmahajan
    02-10 04:43 PM
    Thanks a lot AK_GC.

    Grand Total - $1260

    Come on folks lets help IV, to get things done for US.

    IV is I/WE.

    Unique Transaction ID #0LL24091H0267991J


    World Cup Soccer. Screenshots World Cup Soccer
  • Screenshots World Cup Soccer

  • gsc999
    07-07 12:21 AM
    I am impressed with the Chinese!

    Ask the Chinese (and everyone else) to stay tuned (and join) your meet whenever it takes place!

    BTW, thanks for getting rid of msyedy! What a relief without the spectre of msyedy!
    - Macaca, yes, I will do that.
    - I am thinking about approaching Phillipino organization for their help to gather more attendees. If any Philipino member is reading this or a Registered Nurse, please provide me with a contact in Bay area. Chinese, Philipino and Indians are the most impacted nationalities.
    - Last time in San Jose, during Guttirez meeting, I met a family from South Africa. Please stay tuned if you are reading this.
    - I know we have members from Britain
    - It would be great if we can showcase a multicultural group
    - Please call out if you feel left out and have contacts in Bay area.
    - During the march which is tentative for 14th July, I will have some T-shirts with Immigration voice print. I would like to auction them to provide funding to IV. ( Pappu, please let me know if this is a good idea? If yes, let me have a design print in case you have one handy, otherwise I will go for plain and simple)

    ps: As far as msyedy, he left but now my ID has a red flag. It is no fun to be a lightening rod for anti-immigrants, is it?

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  • Screenshots World Cup Soccer

  • actaccord
    02-17 11:11 AM
    local chapters....I have been part to two chapters but not seeing any communication happening around. On one chapter last communication is on June 2010 with 170 members and on another chapter last communication is on Dec 2010 with 9 members.

    Local chapters need to be as active as IV forum to engage their members to take part actively.


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  • around the world watched

  • rahulpaper
    10-03 11:43 AM

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  • 2010 South Africa World Cup

  • sam_hoosier
    03-13 11:02 AM
    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:

    The moment you realize that the US is not the end of the world, you will stop feeling depressed.:cool:


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  • gadgets – Wordl Cup Soccer

  • Ushakiran
    05-08 05:09 PM
    US employment based immigration system is merit based, not need based. The EB system is to keep US industry more competitive. if you were a hiring manager, you would give a Pakistani more preference than an Indian, just because Pakistan has less infrastructure than India?

    For sure legal alternatives wont help. the country cap is to ensure equal opportunity for smaller countries which dont have enough infrastructure as large countries such as India/china. We cannot expect the country cap to be removed.

    dresses Screenshots World Cup Soccer World Cup Soccer. Soccer world cup
  • Soccer world cup

  • surabhi
    04-23 04:30 PM
    You can view my past posts in IV, I am not Desi employer but I may become very soon to employ myself (very close to get GC :-) )

    This is not a personal advice but general appeal to all would be employers.

    I hope you have researched and understood obligations of an employer.

    By virtue of owning the business and taking 100% of returns, the employer has to assume 100% risk.

    If not on revenue sharing with employee ( 80-20 etc) , the employer has no business of NOT paying on bench. Either the employee is on rolls or has to be advised to take LOA or let go.

    For other unprofessional tactics, there is simply no excuse. Employment is at will. If employers cant deal with that, too bad. They should not be starting the business.

    I have worked with Desi employers who have consistently run on best practices and completely adhering to law of the land. It can be done and the cost of doing that has to be factored into the business plan. If it is too costly as per your financial numbers, then you are not ready for it financially.


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  • World Cup Soccer Gift(China

  • sweet_jungle
    11-06 01:42 PM
    I am NSC-CSC-NSC person. I opened service request for not receiving FP.
    I got a response from NSC after 30 days that my case is waiting for an opening at local ASC for FP. what an idiotic response !!
    I called them again and they said that since they have responded to service request, only thing to do is wait 60 days more. they cannot again file service request. I guess I have to just keep trying till I get a good rep.


    It's almost 3 weeks today since I've opened SRs for my self and my spouse for not receiving FP notice and we haven't got any notice yet.

    I want to know if some one who opened a SR for FP and did not receive any FP notice after the wait period expired, what did you do? Is taking an infopass the next step for missing FP notices or just wait and watch?

    Thanks and good luck to all.

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  • Screenshots World Cup Soccer

  • rameshvaid
    11-19 08:41 AM
    No. Pls only focus on the specific message in the email you had sent. Do not send another email to the email you have already sent and have it be ignored again or take a different route in the messaging.

    Now you would want to call the office and talk about the points in your letter and ask why you did not get specific response to your suggestions. You wish to speak the legislative aide / immigration aide and discuss the issues in person rather than getting such automated messages that does not help you 'the constituent'. This is a serious issue for you as a constituent and would like it serious consideration by the office and discussion with you.

    Take the matter a notch further and raise it. Then contact IV to help you out with the next steps.

    I will try contacting them today and will keep u posted..



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  • 1) World Cup Soccer Slime

  • sina
    08-27 09:40 AM
    Congrats ajaykk! I hope mine will also come in few days. That is the hope.

    02-05 02:40 PM
    Contributed $50.

    10-04 05:20 PM
    �Live your daily life in a way that you never lose yourself. When you are carried away with your worries, fears, cravings, anger, and desire, you run away from yourself and you lose yourself. The practice is always to go back to oneself.�

    What worries you, masters you. There are lot of others who are more worried since long, due to different reasons. Let's encourage them, and share our thoughts. Let's not discourage your self, we did and doing what ever is possible from our side. Just wait and see.



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