Saturday, July 2, 2011

Blue Eyes Blonde Hair Guys

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  • stucklabor
    06-27 10:10 AM
    First up, thanks to everyone for resolving this issue on their own, in a reasonable and civil manner.

    In a truly democratic environment, we may want to modify the core IV goals to reflect that (Ideally I would prefer that there be a vote for what should be the core goals...after all most people here have contributed something towards the cause...and only those who have contributed should be allowed to free lunch).

    1. Allow people to file for 485 and get EAD even if visa numbers are not available
    2. Allow EAD to be FULLY portable without restrictons (i.e., irrespective of job description or job title or job location or salary).

    The above two dont ask for sweeping changes in immigration laws such as increase visa numbers etc. etc. and are easy for the average American person to understand. And so can hopefuly be passed easily.

    With the above two passed, I dont think many people will complain if it takes another 5 years to get their GC. Agree?

    By the way, I have got my EAD card and my PD is also current. So the above two goals will be redundant for me. My story is that I am stuck in FBI namecheck. But the moderators have already indicated that it cant be one of the core goals. So I would not list that even if I would like that to be one of the core goals.


    Santosh, those are good suggestions that I will take up to the IV team.

    1. The idea of a democratically elected IV goals is a good one but there are huge practical problems. As it stands, the present IV goals are those that most people have indicated are those that the organization should strive for, and from our discussions with Congress/Senate staff, these goals are achievable. With democratically selected goals, the IV core team would have the unenviable task of fighting for whatever goals the populace decides is right, without regard to the achievability of the goals. For instance, if the junta votes on goals, many people would say 'Full portability of GC' or 'Automatic clearance of all pending labor cert applications in the BECs'. Those would probably not fly. Our current talking point is that our goals are small changes to the process; we do not skip any steps; and we do not change the process significantly. A full portability to any job changes the process significantly. Even yesterday, Spgtopper met the staff member of a very powerful House member and the staffer was quite positive on our goals - we do not ask for more green cards, we limit our goals to ones that are reasonable.

    2. IV goals are not written in stone. Name check is definitely an issue but it is an issue that not many of our people face. If our membership's problems changes from retrogression to name check, then we would have to work on that. It may be smarter to anticipate the magnitude of the problem and start work early. If you would be kind enough to partially lead the effort, that would be great. Logiclife is working on this issue on his own, and WaldenPond is also working on this. Please PM them. Logiclife is on vacation so he may take a while to respond.

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  • BharatPremi
    09-27 10:38 PM
    My signature speaks the updates.

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  • lsbk
    10-02 04:10 PM
    And what time? Hopefully, I will be in that box.

    :(Iam so sorry GKBest. I did ask my attorney's office about who received it and at what time. But they did not provide me any details about it and just said it was received at Nebraska on July 3rd morning. Hope you get your receipts soon.

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  • Jaime
    06-26 05:10 PM
    For your Information India's GDP is 3 trillion USD compare to Mexico 1 trillion USD. Taking into account GDP of EU India ranks 5th in GDP higher than any indivisual European nation where as Mexico ranks 13th. This is as per CIA worldfactbook. So where did you get the number
    "Mexico's GDP is essentially equal to India's (India = 775,410, Mexico=768,437). "
    Hmmn did I forget you are an MBA from Mexico ?

    (What would happen if India shared a land border with the U.S.A. - One can only imagine! Instead of 7 million illegal Mexicans, we would have 400 million illegal Indians here!)
    Lets get this thing straight buddy without shadow of any doubt there are more Mexican than Indian in USA. But what about the number of doctors, computer scientist, economist, professors of reputable Universities, physcisist of Indian origin compare to Mexican origin.

    I will ignore your familiarity in calling me your "buddy". Find something constructive to say in regards to our IV goals instead of attacking. To begin with, this is not the place for me to explain to you the details of difference between Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GDP (that you quote) and the market exchange rate GDP which I quoted. But since you raised the subject, PPP GDP is adjusted to accomodate for different inflation and consumption rates in different countries. Without the PPT adjustment, India's GDP is equal to Mexico's, even though India has 11 times the population of Mexico. The reason India comes in 4th with the PPP adjustment in the world is because the ruppee is undervalued and Indians have a purchasing power that is 4 times smaller than Mexicans. So, to humor you and use your method of calculation, the Per Capita GDP (PPP) Of India is $3,344 in 2006 and Mexico's is $12,886. "Where are all the Mexican doctores, computer scientists, economists and professors?" you ask. The answer is: They are IN MEXICO making huge salaries, when the Indian ones have to come here because their salaries in India don't give them enough money to eat. Why aren't all the construction workers and lawn workers in the U.S. Indian? Because they cannot affor the airfare. The Mexicans just walk accross the border. Any you know what? All those Indian Professors at Harvard etc are teaching class to all those rich Mexican kids. Get your facts straight before you confront me and make fun of my MBA (which I got in the U.S. incidentally, not Mexico, but if I had wanted I could have gotten a top 20 MBA back home). I just recated to people's racist attacks here. So now, if you have anything to contribute to our IV common cause, welcome! If all you are about is attacking other forum members then please leave and do not come back. Thanks.


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  • mygc2006
    08-20 01:19 PM
    Priority Date - Aug 2002
    EAD Renewal Mailed - Aug 5, 2008
    Received by USCIS - Aug 9,2008
    Last LUD - Aug 19, 2008

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  • ganguteli
    07-08 11:11 AM
    Where is Moira from Buisnessweek?

    Why can't she cover this?


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  • gc_5050
    08-02 01:57 PM
    Hi Nogc12 !
    Hope the info you got from customer service is correct.

    As I am still waiting for my receipts,
    which are filed on Jun19 @ nebraska.

    Dont know how the service centers(customer service) are disclosing the processing dates,
    I asked the same questions they said don't know.

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  • vij
    06-15 07:49 PM
    This is what i have been asking since last week.

    My attorney told me that apart from employer i would also get a receipt notiece. I want someone to confirm this.

    My petition was sent on June 4th and i haven't received anything yet

    Is this true?


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  • reddymjm
    06-08 06:07 PM
    My case was received by NSC on JUN 1st. They issued the recipt numbers on JUN 5th. I am still waiting on my wifes. They could clear on Monday.. Looks like NSC is also trying to speed up things. They are just one day slower than TSC in issuing recepts.

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  • gbof
    08-27 09:14 PM
    it is not to prevent 'de-magnetization' but to prevent rfid communication. All new passport and other govt id 'cards' ship with rfid chip in them which contains encrypted biometrics info. Since rfid info can be read even 10 meters away with right equipment, it is better to put it in a metallic sleeve (creating a Faraday cage) to prevent anyone from sniffing then biometrics info.
    here is more info ..

    SecureIDNews | New U.S. 'Green Card' using optical stripe, RFID technology (

    edit: some additional info, mythbusters did a segment on the myth of demagentized credit card. It would take a really very strong magnet to demagnetize the strip, definitely not the kind you would carry in your pocket.

    Without getting into the science, I tried to pass on the tip to GC holders (and expectants) giving a simple example... btw: I appreciate your posting explaining to like minded......'joy the w'end


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  • panky72
    09-17 05:42 PM
    applied july 12 NSC, called IO today and got receipt no LIN-07259XXXXX eneterd into system on sept 13th. Checks not cashed yet!!!

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  • stuckinmuck
    05-28 02:12 PM
    A Great New Commission
    May 27, 2007

    An Open Letter to:

    The United States Senate
    The United States House of Representatives

    Re: A Great New Commission

    Ladies and Gentlemen:

    Our nation holds paramount equal treatment under the law. My principal question is, what federal laws may I break so that I am rewarded with amnesty to the tune of $18,000 per year?

    That would bring me parity with the estimated costs to society of illegal aliens. These are in health, education and related social benefits. Oh, and the approximately 30 percent of our prison population which is comprised of some of these aliens. Seems some of the cost is borne by victims who are assaulted by aliens doing the crimes Americans just won�t do.

    I�ll even give you a bargain. As a small business owner, my real and opportunity costs to comply with federal statutes and regulations are substantial. These are not taxes, they are non-deductible costs I incur to comply with federal law. My daughter�s chronic medical condition and my own heart condition also incur substantial expenses. Regarding our health, my family is uninsurable due to these conditions. We have never received assistance under any state or federal programs.

    All of these costs come to something over $27,000 per year. So, when you give me my amnesty and my $18,000 per year, you will fall short of my expenses by approximately $9,000. Since you are wise in the ways of federal accounting, you can inform your constituents that you have in fact saved $9,000 per year, in addition to the moral claim of having granted me amnesty.

    It will be appropriate to consider that in fairness my children should be due anchor amnesty. This from the fact that they still will be my dependents when you soon grant me amnesty. If you delay, well, my daughter will always be my dependent.

    Considering possible delays, especially since fellow citizens will have their own tailored amnesty petitions, I understand if you need to charter a Federal Amnesty Commission. That is sure to renew respect for and compliance with the laws you draft. Any shortfall in compliance, up to say, twelve million offenses, you could graciously accept as appropriate civil disobedience. After all, that would assure you more press time as we enter this latest election cycle.

    You are wise also in federal laws which may be broken with no consequence. I am too busy supporting my family, you, and the twelve million scofflaws and their employers to understand such matters, so I need your guidance. You know where I live, my drivers license number, my social security number, my bank and credit account numbers, as well as my email, internet service provider, taxpayer identification number, mortgage holder, business licenses and telephone numbers.

    Please contact me soon. Given the rising medical and other costs, I need that $18,000 quickly and retroactive to the enactment date of S.1348. It�s only fair.


    <First Name> <Last Name>


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  • shreekhand
    12-16 04:09 PM
    Among the very wonderful suggestions that many have given, I can tell you from my own experience, being a trained teacher of doing breathing exercises leading to meditation every day for the past 9 years, the whole perception and observation of our mind drastically changes! Not only that, the changes in our consciousness are so deep, the effect is profound and permanent. This comes from my own experential level as well as those I teach.

    It is very difficult to train our mind thro' our mind and hence the breath which is the connection between the inner and outer world comes into the picture. Thro' our breath we can relax this mind to levels much deeper than sleep. The result of soaking our minds into this relaxation changes our whole perception, observation and expression and that too effortlessly !!

    Seldom do we dive deep into the depths of our being. There is a great science behind our thought patterns and depression and why and when we get them and the method to unbound ourselves from these patterns.

    "There is an art to gain the ability in life-it's very simple, just a skill-the ability to free your mind of the past, to free your mind of the future fears, and to be able to play with every situation that is in front of you."
    - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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  • rc0878
    09-23 09:42 AM
    Quick question for thosewho have already recieved their receipt notice????

    What does the priority date column say on your receipt notices? I mean does it show the actual priority date or is blank????

    I am happy to announce that I have received the EAD cards today (just like rc0878 had suggested). I should not have doubted the encouragement and estimation of the experience here.
    So, I received the EAD cards dated Sept 18th, expiry is one year from the issue date i.e. Sept 17th, 2008 (unlike someone else's cards which were valid for only 3 months).
    Let me know if someone wants to ask any other information.
    thanks again. :D


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  • pani_6
    07-25 11:16 PM
    Did you send out the latest letters...I am getting a positive feed back ..that approximately at least 500 letters have gone out..we started to make noise.. and we will see the results eventually...More action items will follow in comming weeks..Dont forget the high five though campaign though ;)

    What happened to EB3-I, call to action ? I sent out the letters ,but what is the follow-up ? Looks like everyone is interested only in EB2 India and nobody is doing anything about EB3-India.

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  • kumjay
    06-26 03:01 PM
    Desi 3933 ...get off his butt, didn't he say that he was wrong ! You are annoying.

    So you were not referring to Employment Letter for GC job, rather Current Employment Letter while discussing how to file I-485.
    GREAT!!! I hope you are not filing your I-485 application yourself.

    What is the Current Employment Letter has to do with I-485?

    Good Luck.


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  • pappu
    05-13 03:53 PM
    Please reply this, how to become member of donor group, so that we can come to know what is plan and strategy for future.

    There is a donate now button at the top of each page in the forum. Once you contribute /sign up for monthly subscription you will get access to the donor forum on monthly basis and your status will change from member to donor.

    By becoming the donor,
    - You will gain access to IV plans and updates.
    - You will be able to easily communicate with IV leadership.
    - You will be given access to IV conference calls and participate in the discussions.
    - If your own application is in trouble and you are in a desperate situation and you have tried all other avenues, you can contact IV if you are a donor and IV will contact USCIS for you and try to get the problem fixed.
    - By being a donor you are helping IV continue this effort that benefits the community.

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  • diptam
    06-22 01:49 PM
    We discussed this several Times !

    I'm currently bargaining with my employer for that Letter.... They are saying that letter can be given now only if i don't ask for next Hike etc...

    blood suckers ..., you know

    I think people are confused and think that pay stubs can be substituted for Employment letter. I don't see how that will be accepted. The 485 application ( See on page 4 1st para ) clearly states that they need a letter from employer stating that the job for which GC has been filed is still available and the salary will be paid as per the LC and 140. This is NOT current employment verification letter. Period. Its about future job. The job titles of H1B (current job) and GC (future job) can be different. Get out of the H1B transfer and extension mode.
    If the letter from employer is part of initial evidence and you don't have it, your application might come back as per the memo release on Jun 16th.

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  • pappu
    03-12 07:40 AM
    Well, I am not annonymous and not ran away :). I read all the posts here and having a sense of "belonging". And the word "helpless" comes to mind.

    Thank you ALL for responding to my post.

    I also sent an email to my congress-women and lets see if go through.

    Thanks again to all of you out there.
    Thanks for responding.
    Pls consider adding your story in the thread
    Pls update your profile with your contact information and name so that we can get your plight published and make some impact via media. Thanks for being part of the struggle. This community understands your plight and we are also in the same boat. Lets use this energy to work on IV action items and enable a change in the broken immigration system.

    07-08 12:38 PM
    Previous years Oct Visa Bulletins doesn't look encouraging at all, EB-3 India moved by a week and other categories move by a month or 2. With USCIS taking huge no. of applications in june'07 the future of oct'07 seems to be pretty bleak, It is quiet depressing. We surely need this legislation of ability to file 485 even if visa dates not current.
    by the way,
    lawsuite and all will never get us to a point where we want. nobody can force
    the state department or the USCIS to forcefully accept 700K applications, and then for next 20 years the dates will be struck. specially for people who have been waiting since 2000,2001 and 2002 cannnot be clubed together with people who came in 2006 or 2007, that is going to be fairly injustice and they know that.

    I think it will be better to focus our energy on legislative changes or else nothing will get done, no body can push 700K applications down to the throats of USCIS when that have already exausted the quota.

    better focus on contacting senators or house members to get some legislative relief.

    08-21 04:19 AM
    Can you please let us know the long list of Do's and Dont's..That would provide a lot of info...


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