Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • english_august
    07-04 01:19 PM
    Wow! This is what a truly grass roots effort can do. I am in for July 10th as well. Can IV core please put this as an action item on the main page!

    This has the potential of a truly good media event!

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  • Jun03
    07-02 12:08 AM
    Hi guys,
    With all the news floating around about the VISAs getting exhausted in early July on one side and having an employer who does not seem too eager to apply for I485 since past two months, how does one deal with it ?
    I wish all this was a little less complicated..:confused:

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  • desi3933
    06-26 02:01 PM
    EEO does not protect immigration status based discrimination. However Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 does protect against discrimination based on immigration status.


    Could you please show us, where in the link you provided, H-1B applicant needs to treated equally for job hiring as compared to GC and EAD workers.

    EOE deals with equality (i.e. equal opportunities) for hiring, job promotion, and firing.

    IRC Act 1985 deals with unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and fraud & misuse of certain immigration-related documents.

    Two different things.

    However, once H-1B applicant is hired, he/she is protected just like any other worker, for job promotions, training, and other work conditions. But employer is under no obligation to extend H-1B beyond any initial H-1B petition date. And, yes, H-1B can also be fired at will*, just like any other worker.

    Not a legal advice
    US citizen of Indian origin

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  • eb3_nepa
    06-26 05:03 PM

    You are quite mistaken if you think I am going to delete your post just because I disagree with you. One of the things that I love most about this country is the Bill of Rights and the First Amendment that protects free speech. I like the idea the everyone can voice their opinions as long as there are no physical threats or intimidation.

    That being said, we run the risk of having a thread venting frustrations against illegals degenerate into an anti-Mexican thread. We have had a lot of publicity, and many reporters etc read our forum to get an idea of what we are about. They can very easily read one frustrated post from an otherwise reasonable member out of context and decide that we are a xenophobic group. I edited one comment from Santosh's post; and deleted a post of Bkam's. Bkam's post, frankly, was offensive.

    As a side note, I have quite the same frustrations against the "perceived" better treatment that illegals get. If you look at our "Parity" memo where we found that undocumented workers can self-petition for green cards and we can't, I co-wrote it. But let us focus on the positives that we bring and move on.

    Stucklabour, make no mistake. I totally respect the fact and the hard work done by the core group (urself included). I also respect the moderation aspect where, targetting any one particular community shud be removed at once. So to that effect i do agree with you removing some of the offensive looking posts.

    However discussions about legals v/s illegals in the past have been simply removed by suggestions such as "they live in far worse conditions" and "do not denigrate any group". In my opinion when you say "denigrate" it is something to the effect of, "get rid of them all". Saying someone broke the law when they actually did, does not constitute "denigration" per se, & i really commend the fact that you did not delete my post. Thanks for the good job that you guys have been doing.


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  • trueguy
    03-10 12:00 PM
    Lets not listen to negative people here and instead come up with a plan. Nothing will change unless we act upon it. I have seen these negative comments every time somebody come up with a plan for EB3-I. Unfortunately most of these negative comments are coming from EB2-I people.

    Lets come up with action plan for EB3-I and we will send it upto Mr. President. I am sure they will listen to us someday. They are busy not deaf.


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  • pamposh
    09-15 03:05 PM
    You can do all you want and be as blunt. USCIS doesn't have to answer to you. Stop chanting the "HIGHLY SKILLED", paying all taxes, nonsense. You were not brought to the USA at gun point. You chose to come (and stay). The USA can just put one ad in the newspaper anywhere in the world and there will be 10 million highly skilled NEW people they can bring. They do not need you (us). It is important to remember that we are not doing anyone a favor by being here except yourselves.

    Again, because USCIS is so BIG and has millions of applications to process they can say they are trying their best and cannot reply to each individual.

    you are right we were not brought here on a gun point but at the same time we did not beg anyone to bring us here... it is entirely a two sided business deal... and no one is doing any favor to anyone here ... we are doing our job and they must do their's. and yes we are "Highly Skilled" and we do deserve repect and our voices do deserve to be heard. Sure they can put an Ad in any newspaper and replace me with someone else but the question here is not about you or me... it is about the "LEGAL IMMIGRANTS" and which in that case would include anyone who they bring in to replace me.


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  • reedandbamboo
    09-13 09:10 PM
    Lets be REALLY BLUNT ..

    You sound like you would fit in with our group .. check out our protest letter and posters here:

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  • caydee
    05-23 05:48 PM
    Sent emails to CA Senators and to the 10-Senators listed on the first sheet of this thread.


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  • ksurjan
    08-11 10:07 AM
    Applied for myself and wife on 6/30. No update yet. I hope I get it before the current EAD expires on 9/9.

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  • test101
    07-08 10:36 PM
    United states postal service. My lawyer sent it on june 29 and to this day it's a mestry to me how it was delivered at 10:10 pm at night. I did not think anybody would accept it. BUt if they were working on 25000 in 48 hours. The only reason i think they took it is to finish the number of visa available.
    still It does not mean anything ... they can reject it.


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  • wait4ever
    08-14 05:15 PM
    Congrats to all who are PRs now!

    After CPO e-mail, card arrives within 10 days.

    Chain of events are not consistent but usually at 1or 2 days interval, approval and welcome e-mails are seen as hard LUDs.

    I-797 notice of approval is enough to go to district office and have I-551 stamp in passport. This is the proof of GC.

    Enjoy, do not worry and relax!

    Remember your family, friends and IV.

    Please be generous in contributing (my continued participation, advisement and $$$$.....).

    Recurring contribution, small is beautiful and kaizen would help us all.

    Wish you all to be best citizens and ambassadors of peace, prosperity and happiness!!

    I directly got the Approval notice e-mail on the 4th - I also got the approval notice this week - I-797C -i.e Monday - but no cards as yet ?:confused:

    I did not get welcome notice nor did I get the CPO mail.

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  • rameshms
    05-23 08:55 AM
    I have sent emails as per the clear (thanks) instructions. I have a small suggestion (correction). Instead of ending with "Thanks, .... Your Name", I suggest using "Thank You, ..... Your Name". IMHO, "Thanks" is used among friends and family and "Thank You" would be used for being more formal.

    I know it is a minor detail, but I felt liking speaking what I felt.

    Thank You


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  • Vish
    08-28 06:42 PM
    My application reached NSC on 1st Aug.

    Checks have not been cashed.
    No Reciepts
    EB2 from India
    PD Oct 2003

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  • gsc999
    07-06 07:22 PM
    I saw your earlier post from this thread, where you are asking if it is ok to protest without having a permit. It seems you do not have aproper permit yet.

    It seems you are member of this Chinese website, we welcome you to Immigration voice. We want to support you in this march but we need to have proper permits. Is it ok to reschedule this to 14th July so that we can gather the necessary permits and also inform all our Bay area members?


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  • vdlrao
    09-10 02:29 AM
    We want to do some thing for elimination of backlogs Especially for EB3 - India Else we wont see any more progress.

    All EB3 people please share your thoughts to resolve this issue.
    Unless and untill everybody in EB3 has contributed ataleast a $1000.00 to the immigrationvoice cause, its waste of time to discuss about the EB3-India movement. Any way we have to spend a lot more than $1000.00 in renewing EADs, H1Bs and H4s.

    Otherwise just wait and pray for the CIR bill to pass. Then every body in the EB category will get the benefit being the EB3- India/China are the greatest benefitters.

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  • sk2006
    09-03 03:50 PM
    Congrats n enjoy freedom
    Just curious: Did you registered/sign up for CRIS mail?.
    I believe it is really a nice surprise if we see the card rather than customary bunch mails.

    I have signed up for cris mails.
    I do get and did get emails on every update.

    Online status shows the most recent update.


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  • BharatPremi
    11-08 01:00 PM
    When some one decides to apply AC21 by having an offer from another employer, it is not clear if one is required to inform USCIS about it. Some say one should, others say, not required. Has anyone seen any USCIS position on it? If not, perhaps we should make this as a question for next Ombudsman's conference call.

    Good suggestion for bringing this to Ombudsman. BUt anyway informing USCIS would be the wise step in a sense you will not invite unforseen problems may be associated with not informing.

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  • obviously
    07-09 05:06 PM
    Please re-use... there are over 8 flyers READY TO USE in .pdf format !!!!

    Good luck!

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  • kshitijnt
    04-22 08:06 PM
    I am not hitting on employers revenues, infact employer made money since two yrs because of me. The reason is, employer never got this project for me. It never had any business either with PF or with the client earlier. It was only because of my contact with the PF i got the project. i introduced the PF to my employer, have them sign a contract and since these two yrs my employer was able to place 4-5 consultants through the PF i introduced to them. Now tell me, how much my employer would have made because of me or other consultants??? Even after all this, he is being mean to me. these desi companies thirst for money is never ending. whereas consulatnts can never look up for a better life!!!!!!

    After reading this post completely, here is my take. There are 2 things to view here:
    1) employer and employee conduct.
    2) non compete.

    employee by leaving his job to work for PF has actually worked in unethical way if not illegal. You should have joined the PF to start with. Second thing is, you said your PERM is in process. How long ago did you file it? If you filed it more than 6 months ago, maybe you didnt know you were going to leave. Did you file it very recently despite knowing that you may join PF? In that case why you wasted your employers money? Also who picked the fight? You or employer? See... if the case goes to the court, the judge is going to notice this behaviour and will not like it. I am not saying you are a bad guy, we all make mistakes like this, but in court of law everyone is equal.

    employer is not only unethical but also unprofessional in holding back employee wages. It does not matter when or with what intention the employee left, employers should not be breaking the law by withholding wages.

    Since both sides have made some mistakes, I suggest get a good attorney. That attorney will negotiate with your employer and you will get your money, experience letter and also attorney expenses. There is no need to involve your PF at this stage. Your employer has a relationship with that company and that is the reason they do not want to go to court. However if you conduct yourself in unethical or unprofessional way, your previous employer can indicate that to your current company and that is a bad career move. Your case is very simple and it will be settled out of court. I would say, you do not get involved and commit mistakes under stress, let an attorney handle it.

    Lastly, if you consult an attorney, any good attorney should tell you 2 things:
    1) you have advantage over employer because employer has withheld your wages which is illegal as they have violated statutes for PERM.
    2) It also depends on your non compete, you dont know what you signed. It may not be directly related to GC expense or direct revenue loss, but it may be something that your employer can hold you accountable.

    I think your employer is just mad that you left them on unpleasant terms. Here is what I recommend:

    1) Send an email, and offer to apologize if any of your actions left the employer less than satisfied. "DO NOT explicitly admit to mistakes. But offer a sincere apology if that can close the matter." Highlight, what you have done for the company, including placing 4 employees, working for 2 years etc. Regret that you had to leave despite filing perm with them and say you will be willing to help in future. Then call your boss. ask for his help. If he doesnt pick up, doesnt matter, leave a VM. However much you dont like doing it. It is necessary to do so. World is a small place and never burn bridges. Also mention in email you would like to get $4K back and experience letter. I will say copy HR, your boss and his boss. etc. The more higher levels you keep in loop, more people become answerable in court of law. If you copy VP etc of your group, if you decide to go court they can be called in as witnesses. They do not want this. No company wants to put their senior executives/managers in cross examinations in court. They know you can sue them, however do not use such language as the judge will not like it and in all probability he will ask you what you did in good faith to get your wage back? And any shouting , calling names etc will count against you for getting any damages.

    2) give them 2 weeks to reply. Consult a lawyer, a good lawyer is one who also tells you what was your fault. No lawyer will tell you what you want to hear. All lawyers will tell you to conduct in ethical and professional manner. You know they are representing you. Their reputation is based on merit of your case.

    3) if they dont respond in 2 weeks, file a claim in small claims court. serve a notice. In small claims court attorneys are not allowed to practise. If you win, ask the judge to award you maximum penalty allowed under the law. Also mention you want to get it in one payment. This becomes a public record against the company for anyone to see. I dont think any company wants so much hassle for 4K.

    10-02 02:38 PM
    I took a printout of the receiver's signature image and the tracking information from the Fedex website just in case.
    My attorney also mentioned that he submitted my case to the NSC liaison (I think he is referring to the AILA liaison of the NSC center) for follow up to see if they can help confirm the status of my application.
    I'll keep you posted on the progress.

    I am just trying to make list of people stuck on July 3rd at 9:03 received by R.William. Appears that our box is lost.
    Here is the information I got of people(July 3rd) still waiting

    If there are more plz...added it to list

    08-01 04:58 PM
    If anyone's I140 is pending at NSC, they thinks otherwise. You will feel other lanes are fast except one which you are. :D it's humane nature and It's ok to vent. you will feel better.;)

    Most of the applications are going to NSC but TSC is the one which is slow. I do not understand the reason. It seems their boss (Mr. Gonzales) sits in NSC, so they do not do any work. Does any one have any idea why TSC is so slow.
    If it goes like this, it will take a century to get EAD and AP itself.

    Just venting out my frustration...:mad:

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