Saturday, July 2, 2011

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  • veerkar
    01-18 03:57 AM
    These links should answer any AC21 questions

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  • sayantan76
    03-09 11:18 PM
    And I know a guy (a restaurant waiter from Nepal) got his GC in frikkin 14 months. And this was 5 years ago when I had just applied and now even today mine is still pending and that Nepali waiter who could not speak 4 words in English is now a Citizen and whenever I go to this restaurant for a buffet he keeps laughing at me and he is still a waiter in the same restaurant. I know him for 6 years. I get enraged at this countrys immigration policy. And I have met about 5 cabbies (Somalia, Pakistan, Sudan) etc etc who came here by winning visa lottery. And they are all citizens or GC holders. This is a mockery. This country has finally started to SUCK big time.
    what makes you think you are more important to american society than the waiter or the cabbies? we all come to US under full disclosure but a hope that by the time our turn at GC (and Citizenship for those who care) comes - the queues would have shortened or the rules would have changed in our favor and we wont have to wait for so long......

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  • JulyFiler
    10-08 06:43 PM
    I'm currently on my 4th EAD & AP, and I used AC21 twice so far to switch jobs (similar job descriptions, including the specific technologies I worked on). On both occasions, I have not informed USCIS. My attorney said one is not legally required to do so, and that we could respond if there is any RFE.

    But I also know that there are lot of attorneys out there who recommend informing USCIS about the job change. I don't personally know of anyone who have used AC21 and went on to get the green card, so I can't really tell which approach is better. In either case, make sure to have all relevant paper work with you - specifically the experience letters from old employers with proper job descriptions.

    As for the salary increases when changing jobs, I did talk to more than one attorney about this. And what I heard consistently was that higher salary is not as much of a problem as lower salary could be. In my case, I had salary increases of more than 30% each time I changed jobs, and I am doing fine so far. Whether that becomes a problem for me or not, I will deal with it when it happens.

    I traveled out of the country a couple of times using AP. On my return to US, at the port of entry (SFO), I was asked if I still worked for the company that originally sponsored my GC application. I told them I changed employers using AC21, and that I was not legally required to inform USCIS about the job change. And they let me go without causing any trouble. Not sure if anyone else had different experiences in such case, but the immigration officers at SFO seem to be somewhat easier to deal with (assuming you haven't done anything wrong, of course).

    I did have trouble with AC21 once. I ended up having a gap between my 2nd and 3rd EADs (so did my wife too), as we tried to do too much 'optimization' of EADs. Well, we learned the hard way that 'optimization' effort is bad, as both of us had to stop working during the gap. It's not a very pleasant feeling having to explain our respective employers that we had such issue. We lost money too, as we couldn't be legally paid during the gap - in addition to the unnecessary stress. I wish USCIS issues EADs with longer validity period - something like 3 years (but I once heard Aman say that they couldn't do so due to a software glitch in their system!!). In any case, we are now filing for EAD renewals well in advance of the current one's expiry.

    Other issues with AC21 that we faced are things like having to pay for EAD and AP renewals every year, which is quite expensive. I guess you could negotiate this with your new employer when changing jobs. And the sheer inability to change your job roles or take on more responsibilities (on paper too!) is frustrating, but that is more of a lengthy GC processing symptom than an AC21 issue.

    All things considered, I think AC21 is good. It's got it's set of issues, especially if you don't use it wisely, but it at least lets you have some kind of progress in your careers. The way I see it, if there is no career progress, I can at least make more money. You got to gain something over years of waiting to keep you going!

    Let me ask you a question.

    When you renew EAD what will be the start date. For example:
    Lets say current EAD Expires 12/31/2007.
    I apply for renewal in July say 07/01/2007.

    When I get the new EAD would it start from 12/31/2007 to 12/31/2008 or sometime in July/August/September when it gets approved?

    Basically would the renewal date start from where the current one is expiring or from the dat it got approved?



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  • gg_ny
    06-28 07:31 PM

    This is not going to be a concrete suggestions like the ones seen above in the page 7 of this thread. There is a large India Caucus in the senate (also in House??) and they are well tuned to the reality of situations. I dont mean that these efforts should narrowed down to a particular subpopulation of retrogression victims. This is just a suggestion with good intentions. Even if this India Caucus congress members may not have direct role in immigration bills, I wonder whether they could be used to approach other members with stake in this immigration legislation. I am sorry I dont know anybody in that caucus (wish I did).

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  • mgos
    07-20 02:17 PM
    Thank you Aman & all the other immigration voice members who have spent so much time, energy and resources in advocating on behalf of all of us. I have been working in the non-profit sector for the past 8 years and from experience suggest that in order for this movement/advocacy campaign to sustain it is important for us to have a system in place where core campaign members are reimbursed for their past and recurring expenses. We have contributed to IV previously and would like to pledge $200 towards Aman's expenses.


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  • GKBest
    10-12 02:12 PM
    My 140( in 2006) was from TSC and 485 from NSC

    THANKS! I will wait for my turn and hope that my application is right next to you.

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  • petepatel
    08-13 11:19 AM
    Congrats Petepatel !!
    This gives me a reason to be optimistic about my EAD, i filed on july 1st too.

    Hope you get it soon. :o


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  • alterego
    12-11 05:05 PM
    I feel more H1b visas alone and/or nurses visas only would actually be bad for us. It takes some of the pressure off the senators from the Tech Lobby/healthcare lobby. In fact one of the silver linings in this last week is that nothing at all was done. This is sure to keep the pressure rising in the start of the 110th congress.

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  • reddymjm
    06-12 06:00 AM
    All checks cashed June 8th. It was sent to Nebrasks. I hardy just could read the SRC letters in back of my check. Online image in not good. I guess it has gone to Texas sercice center.

    Do you know how long for receipt letter?

    TIP: Print them you should be able to read.:) My checks cleared on the same day got the receipts yesterday. So you should be getting them today or tomorrow. I am not sure if attorney can chose whether to send it to you or not.


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  • kg318
    04-20 09:23 PM
    thanks a lot guyz for all ur replies. My only concern is can they claim the GC expenses(lawyer fee and advertisement costs involved in PERM filing) as the expenses they incurred because of me leaving the company if they file a law suit using non compete. There is no other expense relocation, training or another kind of expense that company has incurred for me(not a single penny except h1b filing). and one more thing i want to let u know is that i am workign with the same client just changed my h1b to PF. Will that be a trouble??? As i have already mentioned earlier in the agreement of company A with PF when i joined the company clearly specifies that PF can take me immediately upon my termination with company A.

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  • GCStatus
    09-15 12:12 PM
    I have sent my contacts ..

    Thanks Krishna

    MAN-WOMAN-GC - Here we go, first one has reached you


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  • sparklinks
    08-14 09:46 AM
    Aug 13 2007: LIN0723350001-LIN0723354665 (NEBRASKA SERVICE CENTER)

    August 13, 2007 is received date or Notice date? are these July 2nd filers?

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  • sureshtreddy
    02-09 11:03 PM
    Contribute $50
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  • hiUS
    09-12 11:20 AM
    I just called the Customer Service. She just says only one thing when I asked for the status of my cards.

    Tha answer is to put a Service request.

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  • ddeka
    08-11 11:05 PM
    I just got an email (not magic though) about EAD renewal approval. It was paper filed on 14th June. Not sure if it is for 2 yrs or 1 yr with my priority date current.;)


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  • stucklabor
    06-27 10:10 AM
    First up, thanks to everyone for resolving this issue on their own, in a reasonable and civil manner.

    In a truly democratic environment, we may want to modify the core IV goals to reflect that (Ideally I would prefer that there be a vote for what should be the core goals...after all most people here have contributed something towards the cause...and only those who have contributed should be allowed to free lunch).

    1. Allow people to file for 485 and get EAD even if visa numbers are not available
    2. Allow EAD to be FULLY portable without restrictons (i.e., irrespective of job description or job title or job location or salary).

    The above two dont ask for sweeping changes in immigration laws such as increase visa numbers etc. etc. and are easy for the average American person to understand. And so can hopefuly be passed easily.

    With the above two passed, I dont think many people will complain if it takes another 5 years to get their GC. Agree?

    By the way, I have got my EAD card and my PD is also current. So the above two goals will be redundant for me. My story is that I am stuck in FBI namecheck. But the moderators have already indicated that it cant be one of the core goals. So I would not list that even if I would like that to be one of the core goals.


    Santosh, those are good suggestions that I will take up to the IV team.

    1. The idea of a democratically elected IV goals is a good one but there are huge practical problems. As it stands, the present IV goals are those that most people have indicated are those that the organization should strive for, and from our discussions with Congress/Senate staff, these goals are achievable. With democratically selected goals, the IV core team would have the unenviable task of fighting for whatever goals the populace decides is right, without regard to the achievability of the goals. For instance, if the junta votes on goals, many people would say 'Full portability of GC' or 'Automatic clearance of all pending labor cert applications in the BECs'. Those would probably not fly. Our current talking point is that our goals are small changes to the process; we do not skip any steps; and we do not change the process significantly. A full portability to any job changes the process significantly. Even yesterday, Spgtopper met the staff member of a very powerful House member and the staffer was quite positive on our goals - we do not ask for more green cards, we limit our goals to ones that are reasonable.

    2. IV goals are not written in stone. Name check is definitely an issue but it is an issue that not many of our people face. If our membership's problems changes from retrogression to name check, then we would have to work on that. It may be smarter to anticipate the magnitude of the problem and start work early. If you would be kind enough to partially lead the effort, that would be great. Logiclife is working on this issue on his own, and WaldenPond is also working on this. Please PM them. Logiclife is on vacation so he may take a while to respond.

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  • SunnySurya
    08-18 01:51 PM
    Now again any volunteers for the letter we have been talking about?

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  • gdilla
    03-09 04:31 PM
    Why is the US the be all and end all of your life and career? Is Canada out of the question? It's not always rosey up there, but schools are just as good if not better than US, generally safer and less xenphobic, and they will welcome and appreciate your skills; pay you a fair wage (that through hard work and good relationships you can ratchet up over the years), and welcome your family. CAD is going up. US dollar is going down.

    Did you know that most large, publicaly traded, US hi-tech and financial juggernauts have thriving offices in Canada (to take advantage of high skiled quality workforce)? Intel, HP, Agilent, Cisco, Microsoft, IBM, AMD, etc. Start applying. And guess what, if you really pine for the start and stripes, you can work your way to a transfer back on an L1 visa which may up your EB category and reduce your wait time.

    02-09 02:54 PM
    Transaction ID #34211805W72220746

    11-19 12:46 PM
    Done. Forwarded to friends too.

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