Sunday, June 26, 2011

wallpaper musical

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  • nb_des
    03-17 01:33 PM
    I agree. Remember there were two backlog elimination centers and the processing from Philly center was slow. So a person with a later 2004 EB2 PD application and whose LC was cleared from Dallas must have got his GC where as someone with an earlier PD was stuck in Philly. Most of the Dallas guys got their GC around that time.

    That is so not true. Even though Dallas was faster than Philly, it only cleared labor for 2003 and earlier filers in 2005. Essentially Dallas mostly cleared only those cases in 2005 which were stuck at regional and not state level. My labor was cleared in late 2006.

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  • ruchigup
    08-22 03:54 PM
    Ruchigup, Are you sending AC21 document? I am also leaving my current employer and taking AC21 route. I am retaining my lawyer. He is supportive and hopefully, will not ask retainer fee as he knows that i paid all my gc cost.
    Can you please share your AC21 experience so far ? Is your new job exactly similar ?
    I have not done AC21 yet. My join date is September 2nd. I am kind of planning to not file AC21.

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  • GCNirvana007
    04-08 04:11 PM
    Come on my friend, Admins are like you and me. They are not having any magic wands. You may want to post your concerns in the public forum or the best thing is to contact your State chapter representative who will conduit you to the Admins.

    These are tough times, so hang in there. IV is committed for our cause.

    All i am asking is the media they know and number of users. I dont know what you talking about.

    Ok, how do we contact the state representative. Through the county representative, then the city, then street?

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  • pappu
    08-07 10:31 AM
    The summer August recess is here and the lawmakers are back in their constituencies. This is an opportunity for us to meet with them and address our issues and present solutions in preparation for the upcoming CIR. We must push for our agenda to get our provisions in the base bill as CIR is being drafted currently. If we do not get our provisions in the base bill then it is much harder to get them attached to the bill in the form of amendments.

    IV therefore requests its members, to call up and start scheduling lawmaker meetings NOW. Please take appointment with your local lawmakers of both houses of Congress. You can find more information about how to reach your lawmaker guide that we have on the website,
    The State Chapters will be organizing state level calls to coordinate this effort. You will be given detailed instructions and given documents to carry for these meetings. If you do not have a state chapter in your state, please join a nearby state chapter. You will be verified and included. Anonymous and unverified members are not given access to state chapters. You can find state chapters here:

    In summary there are four parts to this action item

    1) Please start taking the appointments with your lawmakers now. Once you schedule these lawmaker meetings, please post the details in your state chapter yahoo/google group (date of the appointment and the lawmaker office) so that these efforts will be coordinated with others from your state chapter / local area. Do not post the details of your appointment on this thread.

    2) We will be organizing conference calls in the coming weeks for members who are participating in this action item.

    3) Once you have your meetings, please email the details and feedback to info at to help us follow up with their DC office with your feedback.

    4) If you are a state chapter member, set up a conference call any time starting this weekend to execute this action item. If you do not have a state chapter, join the conference calls of your nearby states for guidance. State chapter leaders will however verify you before giving access. State chapter leaders will find further updates and instructions in their state chapter leader forum.

    We must push ourselves harder and stronger in this month if we have to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Advocacy is an integral, essential and important part of democracy and we must exercise our first amendment right to demonstrate that we not only are highly skilled and are high income individuals but we are truly the best and the brightest Future Americans.

    Thank You.
    Team IV


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  • swamy
    10-27 12:54 PM
    Sen Kennedy is the reason every one of us could come even be here in the US today. Please read up on some history of legal immigration - especially the one that dismantled racial barriers. The senator might not share your focus or sense of urgency in solving EB issues first and may be more passionate about the illegal issue but that does not mean he's any less interested in legal issues or make him 'exclusively' an advocate for undocumented. Dont unnecessarily diminish anyone who is your friend - once again, go back and read up on the history of immigration especially around the 60's.

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  • Ramba
    10-08 08:14 PM
    Once a person accepts employment using EAD, he/she gives up non-immigrant status. Next time, when he/she applies EAD renewal he/she must write the present "immigration status" in the renewal from. That time he/she can not write "H4", while working on EAD.

    Similarly, when working on EAD, you can not apply for H4 extension. All your" A" number indicates what status you are in to USCIS.


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  • Harivinder
    06-13 04:19 PM
    Thanks For the information. I have made all the calls and I am trying to convince my friends to do the same.

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  • bkarnik
    08-24 05:05 PM
    Quick point:

    I would request members to please post their threads under the proper forum header. The issue raised by this thread has nothing to do with IV Agenda or Legislative issues.



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  • gc28262
    01-19 08:52 PM
    Democrats lost it already. Brown wins

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  • Bpositive
    01-02 10:41 AM
    Appreciate the concern was whether a potential H1B denial would cause problems at port of entry when using Advance Parole...


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  • immieb2
    10-14 09:04 AM
    I went to the Chennai consulate in July 2008 with blue jeans and bright colored T shirt and I got my H1 visa stamped. No issues. But I sure felt like the odd man out there, NO ONE else was wearing a jeans and shirt. At the interview she asked me how is the weather in Michigan, that's about it..

    Is it mandatory to wear business formal? I am going to get visa stamping with my wife, she is applying for H4.


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  • greyhair
    04-21 11:45 AM
    I did try to get into it so that i can start an effort to file a lawsuit but it seems after spending couple of hundread dollars to talk to lawyers I came across that federal courts have no power to do anything against USCIS if it is ineffeciency due to beurocracy delays.

    So Technically you can file a lawsuit even as an individual but then Federal Court wont be able to held USCIS accountable as USCIS will give excuse as beurocracy delays and lack of resources and that lands on Congress so Federal court will have to get Congress involved.

    Very Sad ... but its true ... this is a clean example how unfair this country is and it still preaches other countries on this planet about liberty, justice blah blah ...

    Look at the bright side. Now you can sue US Congress. When is that lawsuit coming up? Please keep us posted.


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  • CreatedToday
    03-29 04:09 PM
    Which airport in Bangalore you landed?

    this is not a game , this happened really to me .I am Indian .They did not gave my passport back . They took my passport and send me to Bangalore Airport back .I know they don't have any right to hold any one's property that too a country citizenship passport.I am looking for an answer and advice , not question for a question

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  • Jaime
    07-20 12:36 PM
    From the website we can see that there are only 140000 GCs are given for employment. Also as per the current prediction on the same page shows that there will be 750000 new applications will be added in to system because of this recent events. Now follwing are some facts what I can see from these details:

    1. As only 140000 visas can be givens per year. USCIS OR DOS can not cross this limit.
    2. There is also per country limit. (I don't know what is the exact % for per country - think 10 -20 %)
    3. If you count 20 % then for India the figure per year is 28000.
    4 Now imagine how many years it will take to cover up the number like 750000.

    My analysis:
    -Based on these details you can predict that there is going to be more than 10 years to clear this thing. (except some new law passes).
    - Some may get GC after 10 years of filing A485.
    - For atleast 10 years PD remains Unavailable.

    What do you say on this?

    I agree but, I am certain that a law will get passed at some point to give us relief, especially given all the noise that we have made (and which we should continue to make). I just cannot imagine that they wouldn't pass any relief. And if the latter is the case, it will be slavery and hell on earth, right here in the Land of the Free.


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  • BharatPremi
    03-19 07:59 AM
    I need advice..My project ended yesterday and I have another opportunity to work on EAD. I know my current employer will not be able to find a job for me as has been the case earlier and he will remove me from payroll soon. Can I start working with new employer and do not resign from my current employer?

    I need help on this as I do not want to terminate my job from my side.

    Any advice will be appreciated.


    You would be resigning not terminating in case of joining a new job. Conceptually termination and resignation are completely different. Termination may have positive or negative meaning whereas resignation generally have positive meaning. Written proof of resignation is always a good. You can not do that what you want to do and if you do perhaps it will lead you towards your own grave assuming your employer and you do not have very good terms and/or relations. wih each other Suppose say if you do that, employer would simply notify USCIS to terminate your H1 as you have not resume your duty since last "so&so dates" and he may proceeding for some legal action for the the loss of so and so dollars as you did not work without notification... I mean to say if you want to play the games then your employer also can play games and perhaps it may be the master since it had to deal with many people having same mentality and might have gained better experience in that so I would suggest not to take that route. If you do not have any problems with your employer , yes certainly you can do that but again it is not advisable.

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  • enggr
    10-04 08:17 AM
    They have this in Connecticut (CT) state also . In 2010 Jan I applied for my license transfer and they checked my 797, passport, employment verification letter etc and they said they need to send the verification to USCIS which will take a few hours or a day. they wanted me to come back the next day to collect the license


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  • punjabi
    02-22 07:19 PM
    Hi Kris,

    Can you please give the source from where you heard about this info? There are a lot of rumors being spread without any reason behind them. So this is important to find the source of the info before we get panic or make decision.


    Unless its absolutely necessary that you go out of the country I would not advise you to leave. In recent days I have heard of people with even valid H1 stamps .....kris

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  • FrankZulu
    08-12 04:26 PM
    As my priority date is current I contacted my local congressman's office for help with my I-485. NSC replied back to the office (see reply below) saying my background checks are still on. But the officer at the infopass appointment said my backgrounds checks are complete. I don't know whom to believe.

    Is this some kind of standard reply that USCIS is giving for Congressman's or Senators case status inquiry?

    Good morning XXXXXXXXXXX,
    Re: I-485s <Applicant Name>

    I have conversed with those in charge of these cases.
    The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is
    committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely, efficient
    manner that ensures public safety and national security.

    Toward that end, USCIS requires extensive background checks for every
    application or petition it adjudicates. While background checks for
    most applications or petitions are completed quickly, a small percentage
    of cases involve unresolved background check issues that result in
    adjudication delays.

    Background checks involve more than just the initial submission of and
    response related to biographical information and fingerprints. When
    checks and/or a review of an administrative record reveal an issue
    potentially impacting an applicant's eligibility for the requested
    immigration benefit, further inquiry is needed. The inquiry may include
    an additional interview and/or the need to contact another agency for
    updates or more comprehensive information. If it is determined that an
    outside agency possesses relevant information about a case, USCIS
    requests such information for review. Upon gathering and assessing all
    available information, USCIS then adjudicates the application as
    expeditiously as possible.

    We have checked into your constituent's case and have been assured that
    the agency is aware of your inquiry, and is monitoring progress related
    to it. However, unresolved issues in your constituent's case require
    thorough review before a decision can be rendered. Unfortunately, we
    cannot speculate as to when this review process will be completed.

    We realize that your constituent may feel frustrated by delays related
    to his or her case. As an agency, we must weigh individual
    inconvenience against the broader concerns of public safety and national

    We hope this information and assurance are helpful. If we may be of
    assistance in the future, please let us know.

    I hope this information is helpful to you. At this time I am closing the
    inquiry on this matter.

    Thank you,

    <Officer Name>

    Immigration Services Officer

    NSC Congressional Unit

    I have tried multiple sources and following is the response:
    * SR (july 19th): No response Yet
    * IO Inquiry (2nd Level, multiple times): You are pre-adjudicated. Officer will review/in review.
    * Congressmen: I am in the queue to be processed (File will be picked through electronic sweep :confused:).
    * Senator: Background check being conducted. (No written response yet, just was updated on phone by the senators office).
    * InfoPass (3 months back): Your application is pre-adju. and will be approved once visa is available.

    To all who have experienced something similar, how can I confirm if my application is really going through background check??? Or should I give it more time?

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  • bb20078
    10-10 09:20 AM
    I also want to know the answer to this question

    Can you re enter USA on H4 after using EAD

    On the immigration form at the port of entry, can you put H4 and say YES to do you work?

    07-13 01:19 PM
    Idea behind my post is to look professional,uniform,united,organized and most of all look different to draw more attention (which is how we got good media coverage in flower campaign)

    09-24 11:35 AM
    Man why you need reciepts?

    First of all those receipts are Applicant's (Employee's) property so I believe, if something is my property I MUST have it with me... Period. Now one thoughful reason is that, during the whole damn process, if you are not satisfied with the action taken by your lawyer and you want to change your attorney then having receipts with you would make your life easy then. Actually my attorney is really good and I do not see this coming but hey, if you have your originals with you it is better. Another reason is that suppose say in future, if you have to plan for Emergency travel outside, you would not have to plan waiting for receipts coming from your attorney then.

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