Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • Roger Binny
    05-09 09:15 PM
    Yup, kshitijnt you are right on target, we need to do some thing constructive and let our voices heard.

    BECSufferer made it right your anger.

    My intention was more to think in right way and discourage potential -ve result bound strategies.

    During presidential campaign there were all over promises on clearing backlogs, we can go on that basis and make a point of that.

    One thing is clear if they like to stop outsourcing sure they have to encourage and stream line legal immigration they cannot stop or survive but cutting outsourcing as well leaving this legal immigration in limbo.

    Besides what we can do at this juncture, keep our voices heard by contacting, writing letters.

    1. In a world leading country processing a decade back applications is not an encouraging trend to legal immigration, this may send a wrong signal to legal immigration over illegal immigration.

    2. Can highlight ecomonic point based on these math...
    Ex: 500,000 EB backlog persons contribution to the country, social taxes = xxx, medicare = xxx, travel=xxx, housing =xxx.

    Will add more.....

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  • godspeed
    07-24 03:12 PM
    sriwaitingforgc ,

    i guess so, everything is random here

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  • test101
    07-06 08:53 PM
    This might sound silly to you, but do not do July 21 . It's harry potter final book release no one will pay attention to your protest. I know this sound silly but usually on HP realse book that take all the media attention.

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  • santhu
    07-03 04:13 PM
    Hi Everybody

    I'm almost at checkout for sending flowers. Interestingly I noticed that there are other forums where people are discussing the immigration issues and also where people are effected.

    Lets make it a massive campaign. We can have a link on the immigration voice home page with exact details on the address and date (final) and impress on people that it shall work.

    I noticed that many Chinese use other forums in Chinese language. In fact I requested one of friends to post these details in their forum as well. May be each one of us can forward the details to others by E-mail or other wise. Try to make 10th July as big day for USCIS leaving all document packages aside but busy handling the roses.

    Media would definitely be happy discussing the approach for days and in way discuss the issue as well.
    Flowers do bring smile and a little bit of introspection to every one.

    Lets do it big way.



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  • 485Mbe4001
    10-27 02:10 PM
    I agree with you on this kaka. I heard Ed Royce speak yesterday on how the house forced the fence bill without amnesty and how they plan on killing that bill. He even talked on on how they managed to force the president to have a pulblic ceremony to sign the bill instead of a small private one that the white house wanted. There is little hope that he and people like him will ever vote on anything that supports our requirements, even if the democrats win the house they will need lots of republican support to pass anything. Skill will always be linked to CIR.

    Dont worry . it is not going to pass

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  • apt29
    07-20 11:57 AM
    I am starting this new thread to discuss about EB visas spillover usage based on oldest priority date irrespective of category/country. Currently the spillover happens vertically(a top down approach) from EB1 -> EB2 -> EB3...etc. Instead it should be first used on cases with oldest priority date. This will not only give a good move to clear the backlog but will also be a fair rule for those who are patiently waiting in queue for a long time. I wrote my concern about this to my local congressman. I also request each one of you, who is impacted by this, or who is interested to help us out, to kindly contact your local congressman/woman to express your concern. In turn they can contact USCIS to implement this fair rule to help us all out.

    If this idea is implemented, a Pulitzer or Oscar or Olympic Medal winner(let us say in 2010) will have to wait until all backlog before his/her PD is cleared.


    EB1: Extraordinary Ability
    You must be able to demonstrate extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics through sustained national or international acclaim. Your achievements must be recognized in your field through extensive documentation. No offer of employment is required.
    You must meet 3 of 10 criteria* below, or provide evidence of a one-time achievement (i.e., Pulitzer, Oscar, Olympic Medal)



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  • tonyHK12
    02-27 11:54 AM
    Contributed $ 100/=

    Web Accept Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #356076680R804971P)

    thanks and good luck, updated #246

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  • satish_hello
    09-24 10:34 AM
    I got my LUD on my I-485 and my wife, and got 4 e-mail from cris, that my application was received from other center(CSC).

    I am still waiting for my FP.

    What does it mean.



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  • sgupta33
    11-07 11:30 AM
    Hello All,

    I am in the same situation in that I too have not received my FP notice as yet. Filed July 23rd at TSC. The application was transferred to CSC and then back to TSC. I opened a SR on October 5th and still have not received a FP notice. When I called to follow up, I've was told that the TSC is significantly delayed because of the volume of applications they received and to wait 90 days!

    For those of you who have used infopass, was it helpful in getting your FP scheduled?
    Also, can the person who wrote to the obudsman post the e-mail address and format of what he/she wrote? This would make it easier for those of us who would also like to send an e-mail.


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  • new2gc
    09-03 11:41 AM
    Hi - I currently have my H1B(H4 for my wife) valid till Mar 2011 and EAD expires on 10/15/08.

    Can I skip the renewal process for now and apply for EAD later?

    My lawyer says it is OK to skip for now and apply for EAD/AP anytime as long as I-485 is pending.

    Please advise.



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  • cjain
    11-01 02:43 PM
    what happens if one changes job after 180 days but the I-140 has not been approved?

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  • hopefullegalimmigrant
    02-26 05:18 AM
    Unsure if I can attend at his moment but will be making all efforts.
    transaction ID for this payment is: 3JU21341FJ708983M.

    Thank you IV. It is because of you that I have belief to keep plugging away.


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  • makemygc
    07-07 09:01 PM
    Just came back, here is my report:

    - There were five Chinese and seven Indian people at the march. It was small fun group.
    - The group was small but the outcome as you will note from my report below was productive
    - Fighnow, who is the Chinese member of had initiated this 7th July march, because of the short notice we couldn't publicize this event but still it was good to see a bunch of people show up.
    - Fightnow, and his friends were fully prepared with big banners and all, with appropriate slogans
    - In the beginning there was some police presence but they left an hour later, I guess because of a small group
    - We carried our placards and banners on the sidewalk and got lot of "honk" support from people driving by.
    - Luckily a Chinese TV station happen to be in the area and interviewed many of us. The station is called KCSN 30, if I remember correctly and this news story will air on Monday evening in Bay area. I will post details about this after hearing from fightnow.
    - The parking is free on weekends.
    What we need to do is:
    - Organize a bigger march on 14th July
    - Organize a similar event in DC if possible so get more mileage
    - Prepare some banners and placards etc.
    - Bring water, it was warm
    - Have fun
    Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions

    All kudos to you guys. Hope we can organize a bigger rally in DC sometime soon. Time to come on the roads now. People needs to know.

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  • Zeb
    07-25 08:33 AM
    While landing which car shud we take?

    Own or rental?

    Its better to use rental car, as i did landing on june30, 2008 and the canadian customs asked me to either transfer the car or take it back to USA.


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  • diptam
    05-23 01:06 PM
    The point system has worked well in both Canada and New Zealand and have moved those who meet the threshold through the immigration system faster. As an non paying IV member, I am not in favor of opposing the current bill.

    Please voice your concerns to IV Administrators or if you have any misunderstanding or less understanding about what's going on.

    We all agree that Point system is more universal - But for guys who are waiting since 2001 ( say LC from CA/NY/NJ etc..) do you think its a justice
    to go through Points system again from Scratch ??

    Getting more VISA numbers to flush out the Half Million Backlog is 1st Priority according to Majority in this Forum ....

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  • GCStatus
    09-14 02:32 PM
    GC Status:

    I am seeing that reedandbamboo is considering for EB2 only. We have to include EB3 too for law-suit. I beleive that we will have more than 1000 people if we inlcude all categories.

    I will give 200$( 100$ for me and 100 $ for my wife)

    Its for EVERYONE - Read my original description


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  • techysingh
    08-01 06:48 PM
    My I140 was approved at California center and my 485 is sent to Nebraska on june 22. Is that a problem?

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  • newbee7
    07-10 10:04 AM
    This flowers campaign is based on the principles of non voilent protest.

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  • hindichinibhaibhai
    03-15 01:10 AM
    How many of those 245(i) cases from April 2001 might exist in the EB3-India bucket?

    As long as there are 245(i) cases pending against Eb3-India, this category cannot move past 2001. Though it doesn't make any sense how EB3-China and EB3-Mexico made it to 2003.

    12-17 12:33 PM
    You may want to focus on (and be thankful for) what you have out of the following:

    1. Good health (which we often take for granted)
    2. US born kids (at least they are citizens, if that's important to you)
    3. US education (a different experience for sure)
    4. Good savings (all said and done, your bank balance is very important no matter where you stay in the world)
    5. Good work experience (this is transferable and more or less ensures a decent future)
    6. Loving/caring family/friends (who will always love you the same and couldn't care less about GC or citizenship)

    This obviously is not a all-inclusive list. You may have your own things to add here. To me, having all these priceless gifts on the one hand and not having a GC on the other is clearly lopsided for you to be happy!

    And after all, we are not "permanent" residents of anywhere, right? :) So, why attach more than necessary importance to a piece of paper during our prime time?


    Been in the US since 1998, have an EB-2 PD of 2001, have played by the rules all along. Still no GC... And, the dates are going back to 2000 from the new year.. I've lost hopes...

    I'm pretty close to getting clinical depression because of this game played by USCIS, Labor Dept, FBI and my own bad luck.

    SKILL bill, OMNIBUS, etc. comes and goes. IV does seem to be doing things to lobby for the community, but let's face one reality. Like a news article said, no one in congress or senate wants to touch immigration even with a long pole until 2009.

    The US has been very good to me (other than the GC part), more than my home country (India) which is why I'm still here.

    Have invested too much of time in this country to just pack up and go. Just curious if any of you feel this way? How do you handle such depressing feelings?

    11-08 04:49 PM
    I am going to complete my 180 days by 1st week of Decemeber. The company I work for, is offering me a Project Manager position. My labor is filed for a programmer. I asked my lawyer and he told me that they sent a email to Florida State Workforce Agency to classify my new position and depending on the reply he tells me that I may or maynot port my labor.
    Is anyone in the same boat? Is there any work around? I have been on H1 for 10 years now working for the same company (2 yrs as Contractor and 8 as employee), they have screwed me many times, I just don't want another disappointment. If this does not work, then I guess I have switch another company....

    If Florida State Workforce Agency classify your new position with diffrent category then you can tell your employer that you don't want this new position. I heard that after 180 days you can get promotion and change the role... Experts can comments further...

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